There were red targets on the back of a wooden shape of a human. One target was on the head, one on the chest, the other on the abdomen. She guessed it was to make it more human-like. There was a metal table with dangerous items laid out onto it. A throwing ax, knives, darts.

Y/N chose the knives.

The small weapon felt comfortable in her dominant hand. The heaviest part of the knife was the handle, so she switched to the blade, holding the metal gently. The female had thrown a knife before, but that was when she was camping with her father. One of the only few memories she had with him.

Why was she thinking about him anyways?

The rest of her day was filled with trying out different throwing styles with the weapons and array of items she could choose from. She had gained a few cuts on her thumb, but they weren't deep at all.

Day three

On the third day, Y/N decided to use the endurance training section of the grounds. There were a few others before her, one she recognized from the bus. Black hair and crystal blue eyes. The male glanced at the H/C-haired girl, giving a friendly smile as a greeting. She did the same back to him.

"You're that girl from the bus." He commented, tilting his head towards Y/N who was on the treadmill beside him. Girl from the bus? He huffed with frustration, none directed towards the other.

"I-I mean...the one at the front," he tried using his hands to speak, fumbling over his accent, "next to...Yui."

Her lips parted, "ah," she responded with a laugh, "yea. I'm Y/N."

The black-haired male seemed relieved that she wasn't angry about his first attempt.

"I'm Sasha," he replied with a bigger smile. "I'm...still learning English."

Y/N made an 'o' shape with her mouth as she pressed a few buttons on the machine she stood on. The sudden jolt coming from the belt caused her heart to jump and she attempted to calm it down.

"Well, you're doing a great job so far." She encouraged. Sasha nodded in response and the two trained in delicate silence, something the two rather enjoyed. Sasha left first, speaking up from the past hour of silence they shared, and disappeared outside. Y/N had made another friend.

Day four

It seemed that her muscles and joints were aching when Y/N first woke on day four. She decided to comply with their cries of anguish and relaxed for a bit.

She took her phone from the charger- wait. It hadn't been charging?

Y/N's brows furrowed together and she brushed some stray hairs out of her face as she sat up and took her phone off the bedside table. It was at eighty-seven percent battery, not the worst, but she could've sworn the first thing she did before bed was place her phone on the charger.

The girl turned her phone on and noticed that there was a timeout on unlocking her phone. The timeout had only a few minutes left, but this was a dangerous sign. Someone had snuck into her room during the night and tried to unlock her phone.

Y/N got out of her bed, much to her muscles dismay, and opened the door to her room. The female had turned on each light in the place and then shuffled over to her front door. She tried the door. Unlocked.

Whoever had succeeded in entering her small apartment didn't do a very good job of leaving the scene. Two pieces of evidence. Yet, the only way to get into her place was with the key and she had triple-checked that it was on the opposite bedside table inside the drawer. She had switched up the place it stayed just because of the suspicion the very first night here.

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