Chapter 16: A Small Training Arc

Start from the beginning

Back with Issei:

Issei's pov:

I was with Akeno and Asia learning about magic.

Akeno:"Lesson your entie bodies aura flow to one specific area to concentrate your magic." She instructed us.

I then extend my right arm and focused. Akeno then went beside me to help me a bit.

Akeno:"Focus your mind and feel the flow of magic." She said as she carresses my right arm.

Asia:"I did it!" She said cathing mine and Akeno's attention.

As we look at Asia we see her with a green glowing ball of magic on her hands surprising me.

Akeno:"Ara ara, it seems Asia-chan has a natural talent for magic i see." She said proud.

Issei:"We..well, Asia getting stronger is actually a good thing." I said a bit embarassed.

After a while, Akeno suddenly got out a plastic bottle with water in it. She then hover he hand on top of it and all of a sudden the water in the bottles turns to ice spikes surprising me and Asia.

Issei:"Woah! awesome!" I said impressed.

Akeno:"Once you get used to magic, you can manipulate things like ice,fire and lightning." She explained then turned to Asia. "Asia-chan this what you'll be practicing next." She said making Asia happy.

Asia:"Hai!" She said a bit jumpy.

Issei:"Umm...Akeno-san i have a question?"

Akeno:"What is it, Issei-kun?" She asked.

Issei:"Is this similar to how Y/n manipulated wind?" I asked curious.

Akeno then started thinking and after a while she answered my question.

Akeno:"No, with what i've observed his rely on movements." She said "But enough about that. You should continue practicing on focusing you magic." She said with me almost forgetting the question.

Issei:"H...hai" I said looking down.

Akeno:"The source of magic is your imagination. Forming a clear image in your head is essential." She explained.

Isssi:"A clear image, huh?" I said as i look up and started thinking.

Akeno:"Yes" She said as i look towards her and concentrate. "There, that's it. Concentrat, Concentrate." She said as i imagine her naked.

I then concentrate on her seemingly naked body specifically her boobs making me a bit flustered and embarrased.

Issei:"Wha..what am i thinking!?" I said as i shake my head.

Akeno:"What's wrong, Issei-kun?" She said getting close aswell as i see her boob upclose as well.

Issei:"No...nothing! I'll do my best!" I said flustered.

Issei:'I wonder how your doing Y/n?' I asked in my head.

With Y/n:

Y/n pov:

I was now in a my forest with my 4 wind turbine wings and combining it with my new pyrokenesis ability making it to fire wings. Which i admit looks cool but it it leaves me vulnerable as i have to turn off my vector sheild to focus on vibrating the air to keep the flames active so i decided to just stick to a dust explosions.

Y/n:"And here i thought i discovered a cool power. How dissappointing." I said as i then leave to go back home.

Back with Issei:

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