Chapter 29

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                              Embers POV

I'm stood in the corner of the large shed where Pete is tied to a wooden chair in the centre of the room. Wrench and Panic are stood either side of me and Raiden in front of me, blocking me from Pete's view and blocking my view of Pete.

"You know" Raiden starts slowly, clicking his tongue "I've met some sick fucks in my time, but no one compares to you" he says shaking his head back and forth

"We were in love" Pete wheezes "we are in love" he takes a deep breath after every small sentence, struggling to breath now because of the pain. I definitely heard a couple of ribs crack at one point. That was courtesy of Wrench with his, well. His wrench I suppose. I'm guessing that's how he got his name. The others have all used brute force but wrench hasn't put that damn thing down. Since he was one of the last to have a go at Pete, he went straight for his kneecaps first. He seems to have a particular hatred for the unfortunate cretin currently residing in the chair of pain.

Not that they don't all seem to hate him, which strangely makes me feel loved and cared for by them all.

"I knew I'd make her mine... from the moment I first met her.... She would be mine.... Still is... we have a son..." the disgusting prick just won't stop talking and I've had enough

I'm vibrating with anger, it's coursing through my blood. I make a split second decision and before anyone can react I've snatched the gun from the back of Raidens trousers and slipped past him to stand in front of Pete.

Aiming the gun, I take off the safety and cock it. "I have a son. Not you. My son. You are nothing but a pedophile and a rapist" I seeth before pulling the trigger

He howls in pain and I feel a smug grin take over my face.

"That's gotta hurt" Ink comments with a grimace on his face

Raiden steps up behind me, his front coming to meet my back, hands holding my hips tightly, he whispers in my ear "it's time to finish this baby" I nod and raise the gun higher, aiming for his heart, or head, anything that will kill him really. I mean, I did just shoot his dick off and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't last much longer anyway but the noises he's making are getting on my fucking nerves.

Shit, I can't do this. I hate him with everything I am but I can't kill him, I don't have it in me.

I lower the gun and turn in Raidens arms, his eyes searching my teary face for something. He must find it because he nods to someone behind me and takes the gun from my shaking hands.

Within seconds we're outside and halfway back to my house with Raiden carrying me like a baby koala, arms and legs wrapped around him. I burry my face into him neck and take a deep breath.

Stairs, we're going up stairs. My bottom hits something hard and Raiden pulls away slightly.
"How about I run you that bath now baby?"

He doesn't question why I couldn't shoot another human or pander to me like I'm a child, he just gets on with it and starts running me a bubble bath

Once the tub has filled and the scent from the bubble bath fills the air, he's back in front of me, gripping the sides on my top and pulling slowly upwards while I raise my arms. Once my top has gone I notice him staring, but it's not at my face or my breasts, he's staring at my stomach

"Raiden?" I whisper, his eyes shoot to mine and he searches my face, what he's looking for I'm not sure but he must find it because his next words almost take my breath away

"I love you, Ember Dyer. I love you with everything I am and everything I have" he says as tears fill my eyes

He looks down between us and drops to his knees, both his massive hands splayed across my stomach. He rests his forehead against it, breathing deeply.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever know" he whispers, his eyes suddenly flick up and meet mine, both mine and his filled with tears

"Your having a baby" he whispers

"I'm having our baby" I whisper back, reaching down to cup his cheek

Raiden rises to his feet, his hands on my hips, his eyes boring into mine. I can see it now, see the love for me shining in his eyes. He loves me as much as I love him

"We're having a baby" he whispers and I nod

"You're having my baby" he says again with more force, like he's trying to get it through his head and I nod again

"We're having a baby. I'm having your baby" I say as a smile spreads across my face

Suddenly Raidens lips are on mine in a searingly dominant kiss. All the feelings I feel, the love, the safety and protectiveness all pouring out of him and into me

Our lips separate and he rests his forehead on mine

"I love you baby" he whispers

"I love you too" I whisper back

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