Chapter 19

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                                Embers POV

We get back to the house and as soon as I walk in I notice somethings off. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion, I don't know what it is, but something is definitely off!

"What's the matter?" Raiden asks looking confused

"Nothing, the house just feels strange without Jake" I smile at him

Jake's staying over at Cals again, I know they're just playing video games though and they're good kids so I'm not worried

I head into the kitchen for a glass of water before bed and when I open the cupboard I notice all the glasses are turned the wrong way. Not that there's a right way but I always have them facing down because of dust and spiders, sounds stupid I know, but I like I said before, I'm not ocd, I just like things a certain way.

I wouldn't and didn't have the glasses like that

"Weird" I mutter, more to myself than Raiden

"You ok baby? Wha'cha lookin at?"

"The glasses are all turned the wrong way, I didn't leave them like that" I say as I turn my head to look at him stood behind me

"Probably just Jake playing tricks on you, come on let's head to bed"

And so I close the cupboard door thinking nothing more of it and head upstairs with Raiden following behind me

I head to my chest of drawers to find some pyjamas to wear and I'm suddenly caged in, tattooed hands rest against the top of the chest of drawers either side of me

"What are you looking for?" Raiden whispers in my ear before kissing my shoulder

"Pyjamas" I whisper back, almost inaudible. I can't think straight with him this close to me. He presses the front of his boxer clad body tighter against the back of mine and I feel wetness pool in my panties

"You don't need to wear anything" he says as he uses his fingers to dance across my bare stomach under my top

My breath hitches as he presses into me a bit tighter and I feel how hard he is against my backside

"Raiden" I say on a moan, apparently that's all it took for him to snap, before I know what's happening in spun around and his mouth crashes against mine in a searing kiss

"Fuck I missed you today" he says between kisses, his fingers fumbling with the button on my jeans, he rips my top over my head to reveal my bra clad chest and lets out a low growl

Biting into the flesh spilling from the top of my bra he reaches around my back to unhook it and throws it somewhere behind him

He takes my left nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking and uses his hand to twist my right nipple, my head falls back as I let out a lengthy moan

He kisses down my stomach and drops to his knees pulling my jeans and knickers to my ankles all at the same time. I lift each foot separately so he can remove them fully, he looks up at me, our eyes connecting and my breaths coming out in short pants

"Fuck" he whispers, still staring into my eyes from his spot on the floor, and he's up again. On his feet with his hands on my face, staring so deeply into my eyes

I'm not sure what's going on but I've never felt anything to tense, so.. intimate

"Ember" he whispers again before kissing me so gently, as though I'll break if he kisses me any harder. Every word we've spoken so far has been a whisper, like talking any louder would shatter the moment

He lifts me into his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist, he reaches his hand under my thigh to remove his boxers and then ever so gently eases me onto his thick hard shaft

We sigh simultaneously in relief. As though this is all we need, in this moment all we need is each other, he turns and walks over to the bed, still inside me, he sits on the edge with my legs still wrapped around him

He uses his hands on my hips to guide me up and down, slowly, sensually, intimately

This isn't sex or fucking, this is making love.

I wrap my arms around his neck and bounce slowly, his face goes between my breasts leaving open mouthed kisses all over my chest, my nails digging into the flesh of his back surely leaving marks

"I'm so close" I pant

"Come on baby, come with me" he whispers in my ear as his hand wraps around the back of my neck. And within moments we're tumbling over the cliff

I've never had an orgasm so intense in my entire life, my nails dig even deeper into his back as my legs shake, he hisses as his body jerks upwards

I rest my head against his shoulder trying to catch my breath, Raiden kisses my cheek and rests his head in my neck

Not long after I feel him shift

"Shit, sorry baby you fell asleep and I need to clean you up"

I didn't even realise I'd fallen asleep but I'm too tired to answer him, he lays me down in the bed gently and goes to get a cloth

He wipes me gently before tossing the cloth into the wash basket, I feel the bed dip next to me and I'm pulled into his warm embrace

"Goodnight beautiful" he says kissing the crown of my head

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