Chapter 21

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Ember POV

I wake up feeling cold, which leaves me feeling disappointed. Did Raiden leave without saying goodbye? I huff and sit up against the headboard. Just then, my bedroom door opens to a freshly showered Raiden holding two mugs in his hands.

"Morning beautiful" he whispers as he approaches, setting the cups on the side he leans over me and gives me a kiss on forehead, then my cheeks, nose and finally my lips

"Good morning to you too handsome" I reply grinning

"What are you up to today baby?" He asks sitting beside me on the bed

"I think I'll do a food shop" I reply absentmindedly flicking through a list of things in my head

"Groceries you mean?" He says with a raised brow. I scowl at him and he chuckles pulling me into a hug and kissing the crown of my head

"I gotta get to work but I'll see you later yeah?"

I nod and he leans in for another kiss before leaving for the day.

Is this all moving too fast? We've barely spent a moment apart since our first date and we may aswell live together!

I know I love him, I've never loved anyone apart from Jake and my parents but this is deeper, greater, a different kind of love.

Jake is my life and I loved him the moment I knew he was growing inside my belly, I loved him even more when I actually got to lay eyes on him and I've loved him more and more everyday since

But this is still different, I can't explain it. I want to know everything about him, how he got every scar, what each tattoo means, what he likes and dislikes. Everything. And I want him to know all of me too.

I eventually get up and get showered and dressed, heading out of the house to go to the grocery store.

Once I'm parked I grab a trolley, fucking shopping cart I think as I roll my eyes.

It's Monday morning so it's fairly quiet here and yet I have that unsettling feeling again, much like I felt when I was out shopping a few days ago with Sandy.

I ignore the feeling, no one would follow me would they? Who could possibly have an interest in me enough to follow me.

I manage to get all the bits I need and head back to the car to load it all into the boot of my car. I slam the boot shut and take the trolley back to where it belongs and get into my car, not taking much notice of what's going on around me, I plug my phone in and shove the keys into the ignition to start the car.

But as I look up from the steering wheel to get going I notice a piece of paper sat under my window wiper. Weird. But probably just a leaflet for something I don't care about.

I huff and hop out of the car, pulling my keeps out of the ignition as I go. I grab the note and open it.

My word tilts. What.the.fuck.

-Did you miss me precious? I missed you. I'll see you soon-

Oh my god, what? How? How is that even possible!?!

I'm having a panic attack, oh god I can't breathe!

"DIGGER!" I vaguely hear someone shout before a face appears before me

I scoot back thinking that it's him and try to scream but my throats so tight I can't make anything come out!

"Hey, hey! Calm down Ember, it's me Sniper. Diggers calling Hurricane right now. You're fine ok" I nod and keep trying to get my breathing under control

"Look at me, focus on my voice and look into my eyes, that's it. Good girl. Count with me, we'll count until you're breathings back to normal ok?" I nod again and he starts counting. By the time we get to 57 my breathing has slowed down and I feel like crying

"You ok now firecracker?" Digger asks me

I give a slight smile at the silly nickname and nod. A bike pulls up and Raiden rushes towards me

"What happened baby?" He rushes out as he sinks to his knees beside me. I don't answer, I just fling myself towards him, half forgetting about the note I have hanging loosely in my hand. I don't even feel it being removed

I bury my face into Raidens chest and breathe him in while he whispers soothing words into my ears

"I got you baby, I'm here, you're safe, I got you" he whispers

A throat is cleared behind us and we pull apart slightly, looking up I see Sniper with a face like thunder.

I almost feel Raidens spine stiffen at the look he's giving him, he gets up to his feet pulling me with him and takes the note from him

"Where did you find this?" He hisses at me and I flinch back at the ferocity in his voice. He runs a hand down his face and looks up at the sky taking a deep breath

"I'm sorry Fire but I need to know, I'm not mad at you, I just need to know where this note came from so I can protect you" he says with a pleading look in his eyes

"I found it on the front of my car when I was done shopping" I whisper

He nods at both Sniper and Digger, silently communicating with them.

"We're gonna go back to the clubhouse where you'll stay until we find out who put this on your car ok? Digger will sort your car out and unload the groceries at yours before he goes and gets Jake from school ok?"

I nod, slightly dazed. Yeah that note freaked me out and made me have a panic attack but chances are the person just got the wrong car... surely? Surely there's an explanation  that isn't as sinister as I think it is

I hand my keys over and get on the bike behind Raiden, wrapping my arms around him I relax my muscles as he starts the giant machine and races off towards home.

Authors note;
I only realised today that I've actually been writing this since January. Unfortunately with inconsistent updates, I do apologise for that because it annoys me when I really want to read a story and nothing happens for ages!🤦🏼‍♀️Anyway, I know where I want this story to go it's just hard writing things in between to actually get there! Please do be patient, I've outlined the next two chapters so hopefully they'll be up pretty soon too! Thanks for reading this, if you bothered to that is, half the time I don't🤷🏼‍♀️

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