Chapter 22

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Embers POV

We make it back to the clubhouse in what feels like record time, but thats probably just because we came by motorbike.

"CHURCH!" Raiden roars as we enter the clubhouse

Immediately everyone is at attention and soon they're all shuffling into the room with 'private' written across the doors, i've never been in there before but i know its where they have their important meetings.

"You too Ember" Raiden whispers to me as he places his hand on the bottom of my back and guides me into the room.

He sits on the chair at the head of the huge oak table and motions for me to sit in his lap, and i do so without argument. People are still filtering in and eventually Digger joins us, carrying what looks like a laptop. I've learned that he is the clubs resident hacker. You name it and he can find it, no questions asked.

Raiden picks up a large wooden gavel and bangs it onto the table top to gain everyone's attention. All murmurs cease and he suddenly has everyone's attention, and since i'm sitting in his lap, i apparently do too.

"I've called you all in here because when Ember was done shopping earlier she found a note left on her car..." He says as he passes the note around, each man who reads the notes face becomes more thunderous as the note moves around the table

"Who did this?" One hisses

"I'll kill the motherfucker" Another growls

"Easy boys, we're gonna have Digger do what he does best and dig through the surveillance cameras of the parking lot, the grocery store too just in case whoever did this was following Ember and she just didn't notice" I huff and fold my arms across my chest, slightly annoyed that they're all talking about me as though i'm not even here and a few eyes turn in my direction, most filled with humour

"You got something you want to add?" Raiden questions quietly in my ear, i tilt my head to the side and up to look into his eyes, he looks just as amused as the others do. I avert my eyes and nod my head a little to quickly

"Come on, don't start being shy now" he says, raising an eyebrow at me

"Fine. I'm just not entirely sure why i'm in here if you're gonna talk about me like i'm not. Whoever did this probably just got the wrong car! I don't even know anyone here apart from you guys!" I say, probably a bit too hysterically, waving my arms around too, the whole shebang.

Who i think is Pierce clears his throat and raises a finger as though he has something to say "If ya don't mind my saying so Firecracker, you're a beautiful woman so you could have easily attracted the attention of just about anyone round town" I feel and hear Raiden growl behind me.

"Easy brother, Pierce ain't wrong. She's quite something to look at and don't bite my damn head off for saying it, we've all got eyes and so have the entire town. Just about anyone could have done this, best we can do is get Digger to check the cameras and keep her here until we know it's safe enough for her to go home" Panic placates, again as though i'm not here though, whatever, i've said my bit anyway.

The boys all carry on talking while Digger goes though the security cameras from the shop and its car park while i just sit and pick at my nails. I quickly get bored of doing that though and shuffle round a bit so i can snuggle into Raidens chest, that panic attack really took it out of me and I'm vaguely aware of the hushed talking around me

"Think your girls done for the day boss"

"Yeah, you best get her to bed"

I feel Raiden shift beneath me before I'm in the air and tucking myself even closer to his chest, half awake but not enough to be bothered to open my eyes or walk myself

I soon feel the softness of a mattress beneath me and Raidens hard body spooning me from behind

"We'll find who did this baby, I'll keep you safe. You'll always be safe with me, I promise" he whispers in my ear, making me release a content sigh as sleep fully consumes me

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