Chapter 6

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Embers POV

A couple of weeks had passed since we had moved to this quite little town in America, so far from our original home in London.

Jake had started school last week and seemed to have slotted straight in. Even making friends with some of the kids from across the road, which is sort of how I ended up in the situation I currently find myself in.

Stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom, dressed in my light blue ripped jeans, an old Ford Mustang T-shirt and my white vans, trying to syke myself up. Jake had been on my case regarding Hurricane's date proposal, and I needed to pull my big girl pants on and woman up!

"Enough, just go over there and say yes" I mumbled to myself "it's now or never"

And with that i had suddenly found myself in front of the doors to the club house, debating wether or not I should just run back home and hide under my bed for the rest of eternity. But that was ridiculous because I had a teenage boy to take of, do you have any idea how much they eat?!?!

But the decision had been made for me as the door in front of me swung open to reveal a confused Hurricane , my breath caught in my throat and all trace of words vanished. Speak! You fucking idiot, you need to speak!

"Yes" I squeaked out while stepping backwards slightly

"Sorry?" He chuckled

"Yes, I'll go out with you" a huge grin speak across his beautiful face as he stepped towards me

"Tonight. I'll pick you up tonight at 7:30"
I nodded and shot back off to my home, the adrenaline of my new found confidence quickly wearing off and being replaced by fear.

What will I wear? What if he doesn't like what I wear? What if I dress you slutty? Not slutty enough? I've never done this before. I'd only had sex once in my life and that wasn't even consensual.

What if he expects me to hold his hand? Or kiss him? Jesus, what have I done!

I had a couple of hours before Jake would be back from school, but he didn't need to be burdened with my insecurities. I fall backwards onto my bed with a bounce.

"Right!" I declared to no one "Get up, get in the bath, shave. Everywhere. Pamper yourself for the rest of the day to relax, choose something to wear and go with the flow"

And so that's what I did, by the time Jake had got home, I was laid on my bed with a face mask on and cucumbers on my eyes, half asleep, so perhaps a little too much relaxing had happened, but my fingers and toe nails had been painted, no trace of hair could be found on my body from my neck down, except for my arms!

"I take it you agreed to go out with him?" Jake asked making me jump with a gasp. Sitting upright while the cucumber fell from my eyes into my dressing gown covered lap

"You scared the shit out of me!!" I whined breathlessly

"Sorry" he grinned at me "you know what you're wearing?"

"No" I huffed out

"How long we got?"

"He's picking me up at 7:30"

"Ok, couple of hours then. You do all your girly shit and I'll choose you something to wear" I raised a questioning eyebrow at the boy I birthed

"Chill out wench, I'm not completely clueless about everything that had nothing to do with gaming" I let out a little giggle, little turd!

While Jake rummaged through all of my clothes, I dried and straightened my hair. Removed my face mask and moisturised my face. Applied a light blush, Smokey eyes and het black mascara onto my already long eyelashes and finished off with a light red lipstick

"Got it!" Jake shouted "this is the one, it's never seen the light of day or the dark of night before but it's about to make its debut!!"

He held up the black satin dress with pleading eyes and I reluctantly complied with his request. Slipping the dress and my heels on just as there was I knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Jake shouted from somewhere in the house.

With a deep breath, I turned to look in the mirror, momentarily stunned by what I saw. Ok, definitely should dress up more. This feels good I thought, grinning at myself.

As I made my way to the top of the stairs I could hear the two men talking, and as I made my descent, all murmuring seemed to cease as the clanking of my heels on the wooden stair case gave me away.

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