Chapter 18

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                               Raiden POV

After I finally leave Embers house I head back across the street to see what's happening with the guys.

"PREZ!" Wrench shouts, popping his head out from the hood of an old Honda "You come to give us a hand? There's only me and Tinker working today and we could really use your help man"

"Yeah, just give me 5 to see what's happening inside and I'll be out" I mainly do the paperwork for the garage, we don't have a treasurer. It used to be Diggers sag but he passed from prostate cancer a few years back and none of the other guys were any good with numbers or paper work and if they were then they were already too busy with other stuff to take on the role.

So now it's me. President and Treasurer. I do the books for Pierces tattoo parlour, the garage, Snipers security company and any other pies the guys get their fingers into.

But on days like today, I'm on the tools. It doesn't happen all that often and don't get me wrong, I like working on cars and bikes as much as the next man but I find sitting in my office doing paper work soothing. Don't ask me why, and I'd never tell the guys that either.

But today we're low on guys, a few are out on a run up North so I suppose I'll have to get involved.

*A few hours later*

[Hey, we're back from shopping. Should I come over? Xxx Ember]

[Sure beautiful. I'll just get cleaned up real quick]

I quickly head into to wash the grease from my body and once I'm back outside I see Ember giggling with Sandy on a bench in the courtyard.

God she's beautiful, I could eat her!

"Hey" she smiles adoringly up at me

"Hey Fire, you have a good day?" She nods while grinning at Sandy

"I'll leave you love birds to it, make sure you text me Em!" Sandy hollers while walking towards the clubhouse door

I take the seat Sandy vacated and pull Ember so that she's sat in my lap

"What are you doing?" She giggles lightly while I nuzzle my face into her neck

"Missed you" I whisper while placing small kisses behind her ear

"Easy tiger, you said I had to meet everyone. I'd rather not do that covered in lovebites like a 14 year old"

I let out a breathy chuckle "what the fuck is a love bite?"

"Fine. A hickey" she huffs while rolling her eyes at me

"Come on baby, let's meet the guys" I say while patting her bum so she stands up

We walk hand in hand towards the clubhouse door and I wrap my arm across her chest while still keeping our hands connected

Most of the guys are sat around the bar area playing pool or watching tv so I let out a whistle to get everyone's attention making Ember turn her head and glare at me a bit

"Need my ears to hear yano" she mumbles under her breath and I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing at her, god she's cute

"Listen up fellas! And lady! This here is Ember, she lives across the road with her boy Jake who some of you may have already met. She's also my old lady!" I shout across the room

Probably should have discussed the whole old lady thing with her before announcing it to everyone but she's mine and I won't have anyone look at her like she's up for grabs

"Didn't think that would take long" Panic says while slapping me on the back and squeezing Embers shoulder lightly, Sandy by his side with a huge grin on her face "thank the lord for that sugar, I'm so damn bored being the only woman round here!" Sandy says kissing Ember on the cheek and giving her a side hug

"Congrats prez" and "finally" are mostly aimed at me while Ember receives shoulder squeezes, something we do to woman as a kind of sign of respect.

I steer Ember towards a table where Sniper and Wrench are sat drinking quietly and we sit down

"This here is Sniper, my sgt at arms and that one there's Wrench, our road captain" I explain

Ember just nods, taking everything in. We don't have 'sweetbutts' since an incident years back but even then I never touched one. No judgement from me but I'd rather not have sloppy seconds from any of my brothers.

A couple hours later and I'm ready for bed, I can see how tired Ember is, all that shopping must have worn her out, among other things I think as a slight smirk takes over my face. Time to go!

"Come on baby, let's get you to bed" I whisper huskily in her ear

She smiles up at me sleepily before standing, I grab her hand once I'm stood myself and we wave bye to the guys as we head out the doors and back across the road

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