Chapter 27

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Raiden POV

I leave Ember to unlock the house and go inside as I jog my way back to the clubhouse to retrieve my bag. I go up the stairs two at a time, I know she said the boys were at home but I don't like leaving her for too long.

I make it to my room and decide to make a piss stop while I'm here, heading into the bathroom I unzip my pants and sigh in relief

I'm just finishing when something in the bin catches my eye, what on earth is that? It looks a hell of a lot like... my eyes widen and I stick my hand in to grab the blue and white stick. I examine it for a moment and then read the words printed on the little screen

Pregnant, 4-6 weeks.

Who is? What the fuck? I'm in my actual room by now and my eyes flick up to my bedroom window, I can see Embers house from here, I can see directly into her bedroom, usually anyway. Once I'd put those curtains up I could just see her silhouette through the curtain with the light on.

But all the lights are off, her house is dark

My eyes flick back down to the stick in my hand and that's when it clicks, Ember. Embers pregnant? With my baby! Embers pregnant with my baby.

Holy shit! I'm gonna be a dad! It feels like my face is about to split from the massive smile that over takes my entire being.

"You good brother?" I hear Panic ask from my bedroom door

"Yeah, yeah I am actually" I say with a shit eating grin still plastered across my face

"Good" he chuckles "let Ember know Jake said he'll see her after school tomorrow"

"Huh? He's at home isn't he? With Cal?" I ask, confused

"Yeah brother, at my home though"

I turn back to look out the window at Embers house and I can see movement. Embers silhouette, and someone else? If neither Jake nor Cal are there then who is that?

It's obviously a male judging from the size difference between him and Ember

Shit! The note!

"Get everyone and get to Embers place!" I shout at Panic as I race past him, down the stairs and out the door, drawing my gun from the back of my pants as I go

I can hear the heavy footfall of multiple boots behind me and I know Panic has gathered everyone. We race across the street and towards Embers house. We split up, some around the back, front and to the sides of the house

I crouch down under the window I saw Ember though and strain my ears to listen

"" She asks the unknown male shakily

"I've missed you so much precious" I hear him whisper

"Don't fucking touch me!" She shouts at him

I make eye contact with Panic who's over by the front door and hold my hand up to wait, with my finger to my lips in the universal sign for shh I slowly stand up and peep round to look into the window

"You're dead! You're suppose to be dead!" She accuses

He huffs out a breath and runs his hands down his face "I am, technically. I made some friends on the inside. Long story short, a friend of mine switched my identity with another inmate, that inmate was then killed and so Peter Smith was dead. My sentence, or I suppose his sentence, ended about a year ago. Took me quite a while to find out where you'd moved to and then somehow get across here. Being that I had to declare a criminal record on my visa it took some time" he pauses, gazing at Ember "I've been watching you for a few weeks now you know, I even left a note on your car one day" he says with a sickly sweet smile

So it was him! That disgusting bastard!

"I've missed you so much precious, our son, god our son is handsome. He looks just like you"

"Don't you fucking talk about my son! He is nothing to do with you!" Ember shouts, a fire like I've never seen before in her eyes

Pete reaches out to touch her arm but Ember steps back, her arm shooting out to keep him away while the hand from her other arm goes to her stomach protectively

My baby. My baby's in there.

"You stay the fuck away from me and you stay the fuck away from my son" she seethes

"Why! Because you're with some biker scum? Does he make you scream does he? Make you come like I did does he?" Pete shouts, disgust lacing his tone

"13. I was 13 when you raped me you sick cunt. I wasn't screaming because I liked it, I was screaming because you were raping me!" She shouts back

"No! You love me! I know you do, just like I love you!" Pete bellows

Fuck this shit! I nod my head towards Panic and motion for him to get the attention of the others, we're going in. I'm not listening to this prick anymore

Ember laughs, but it's not because she finds what he said funny, I can see the hate for him in her eyes

"You thick twat. I don't fucking love you. I love Raiden. He's the father of my baby and he'll be the father of every baby I ever have. Not you. I'll die before I let you anywhere near me again"

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