Chapter 24

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Josie's POV

It was the next day. Everything was quiet. I get up and walk downstairs, while Hope was still sleeping. Klaus was reading a book while drinking coffee. He looked up and gave me a small smile.

Kl: Good morning. Hope still sleeping?

J: Yeah, she deserves the rest.

Kl: Indeed she does. How was your guys night besides those group of people?

J: It was good. Thanks for looking out for us by the way.

Kl: Don't worry about it. You guys have the next couple of days off of school, I called in and said you guys needed a break.

J: Why?

Kl: School is an easy target. If they know where you go on your daily lives, then they know what school you guys go to. It's better to change up where you go so today you two will stay here while Elijah and Kol stake out the house.

J: I don't think that will be necessary.

Kl: When you are being followed by people, then everything is necessary to get them off your tail. It's better to be the predator then the prey, got it?

J: Yeah, sure but how do you know so much about this stuff that's going on with Hope?

Kl: I've been in these situations multiple times before.

J: What'd you do?

Klaus closes the book and takes a sip of his coffee. He sits up and pats the chair next to him.

Kl: Come sit, it's time I tell you a story.

I nod and sat down next to him. Klaus's smile faded and turned to a frown. I give him a confused look and he smiled slightly again.

Kl: Remember Hope is much more different from me so don't judge her based off of my past.

J: Okay?

Kl: I wasn't always this wise man.

Ko: You still aren't. Klaus you did terrible things, like for example you almost killed a guy for Cami-

Kl: Kol, I'm trying to tell that story.

J: Actually, I think I've heard this story before.

Kl: You have?

Ko: What do you mean Josette?

J: Well Leo tried to make a move on me but then Hope came in and almost beat the guy to death and she left and didn't come back until like late at night.

Kl: That's my little girl. Did she bust his lip open? My favorite is making sure he can't see out of one eye, did she do that? I should really give her a medal.

Fr: Niklaus, enough. You're supposed to be a father, not some teenage boy.

Kl: I'm sorry, I'm just so proud of Hope. She finally stuck her ground.

Re: It doesn't help that she's surrounded by boys twenty-four seven. You probably taught her your bad ways.

Kl: Hey at least she still has the girl, right?

Everything went quiet and I blushed and looked down. A couple minutes went by and Rebekah spoke.

Re: That's besides the point, she can't throw punches every time something happens like that.

Kl: I'm sure Marcel would do the same for you. Every Mikaelson fights for what's theirs.

Fr: Klaus, I think it's best you shut your mouth.

Walking Disaster- Hosie Where stories live. Discover now