Chapter 6

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Hope's POV
I see my aunt Rebekah and my uncle Kol standing outside my door. My aunt just walks in like it's her room. I turn around and she sits on my bed. My uncle also walks in after I turn around. I close the door and look at them, confused.

Ko: Oh, right. What'd we come here for Rebekah?
Re: Well I actually wanted to talk about this special girl who captured our nieces heart.
H: You guys are overreacting.
Ko: Love is something to never overreact about darling.
Re: As if you know anything about love Kol.
Ko: That's why I'm married to Davina, right? It's love.
Re: Not the love we are talking about, this is simply teenage love.
Ko: Oh right. I completely forgot.
H: It's late at night, shouldn't you guys be asleep?
Ko: The real question is, is shouldn't you be asleep?
H: Yeah actually I should be, you guys are bothering me with nonsense.
Re: Nonsense? Love isn't nonsense Hope.
Ko: Yeah what Rebekah said.
Re: Kol you aren't helping.
Ko: As if you have anything else to say.
H: Can we just talk about this tomorrow? I have school.
Ko: Actually we just called the school and they said that tomorrow you get to stay home.
H: So you probably made up some emergency meeting.
Ko: Well actually I just said that you won't be coming to school tomorrow. Mostly because you are "sick" even though Mikaelson's never get a cold.

Rebekah scolded Kol. I chuckled a little bit and then the conversation started up again.

Ko: Do you really think love in nonsense?
H: No not at all.
Re: So are you having relationship troubles already?
H: No, I'm just tired.
Ko: Well we are having an important conversation, sleep can wait.

And with that Freya and Davina barged into my room. Is this a whole new family reunion? Can a girl just get some sleep around here?

F: So who's the girl?
Ko: Well the girls name is Josie. Or is that just a nickname?
H: It's a nickname, her real name is Josette.
Ko: So my darling niece pays attention to her lover. How Klaus like are you exactly?
H: My dad doesn't pay attention to his lovers. He simply gives gifts and calls it a day.
Ko: Don't ruin the fun.
Da: Okay Kol, that's enough. Let the girl speak.

I look at Davina and she gives me a small smile. I sit down in a chair in the corner of my room. Freya sits down on the floor, I don't know why. Davina stands by the door. Rebekah and Kol are on my bed, literally laying down. Taking up the whole space.

H: So where do you want me to start?
Re: Well start from where you guys met.
H: Okay. It was the second day of school, I believe.
Ko: How fancy. Such a love story.

Rebekah slapped Kols arm. I chuckled and went back to my story.

H: Well she was dating this girl Penelope at the time, nothing really happened. We just talked a lot, laughed a lot and then Landon came up to me.
Ko: And he kissed you, that son of bitch.

Rebekah and Freya slapped him this time. Davina laughed and I smiled. I decided to go back to my story.

H: Then Landon kept asking me weird questions. Basically on the line of why I "started dating" Sebastian.
Ko: The quarterback? Really? That's a downgrade.
Re: Kol if you don't shut your mouth, I'll literally tape it together.

Everybody in the room let out a chuckle. Then there was a soft knock on the door. Davina opened it and my mom came through the door.

Ha: I started hearing stories being told up here. Heard most of it but continue.

I nod at my mom and she sat on the floor with Freya. I went back to my story.

H: I pretended to date him actually. He said he'd make up some lie about how me and Josie did something in a closet in a schools classroom. I didn't want her to have a bad reputation especially sense she was in a relationship. I wanted her to be happy, later on in the day I ignored Josie and Cleo. Thinking I was making the right choice but they pulled me into a classroom. Josie went off on me kinda, making me realize my mistakes. Josie ran off, Cleo told me that I messed up pretty badly. Which I had no idea on how I did. I thought I was making the right choice.
Re: She was starting to gain feelings for you Hope.
H: How would you know that?
Re: She basically got hurt by you ignoring her, she probably texted you and called you thousands of times, she even probably kept thinking if she did something wrong for you to do and last but not least you never explained to her why. You probably ignored her after the whole closet incident which was bad on your part but go on with the story.
H: I know I made a mistake. I just wanted to protect her. I even tried telling her that. Later that day we hung out, I explained everything. Then she told me she was in a love triangle and how she wants to impress Penelope. I helped her out and gave her my best advice but when I was hanging out with Cleo. Josie kept calling and texting me. I ignored them because I thought she should've been hanging out with her girlfriend. Cleo told me to answer the phone, so I did. Josie asked many many questions and then she asked if I could go over to her house.

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