Chapter 14

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Hope's POV
After school, everybody quickly piled out of the building. Nothing really went down at school. We did some basic learning, I go to my locker and put everything in there that I don't need. I see Josie talking with Lizzie. Josie sees me and gives me a small smile, I returned it. I walked out of the school and Leo was walking with me.

Le: Party tonight, my house.
H: You know I don't do parties Leo.
Le: Come on. It can't be that bad.
H: I don't party.
Le: Okay you'll be missing out.
H: On what? A couple of fights and drunk people dancing around? Doesn't seem like I'm missing out on much.
Le: No it's a pool party. No alcohol.
H: Oh okay, well then maybe I'll go.
Le: Alright cool. See ya later.

Leo walked off and Landon and Cleo came up to me. We walked to Cleo's car.

Cl: Where's Josie?
H: I seen her with Lizzie last.
La: Why aren't you with her?
H: I'm giving them some twin time. I don't want Josie to think she has to be by my side 24/7.
J: Maybe I like being by your side 24/7.

I turned around and seen Josie smiling. Landon walks off to his car. Cleo gets in her car with Lizzie.

J: Come on let's go home.
H: Okay, whatever you say.
J: What?
H: You've been a little suspicious lately.
J: How?
H: I don't know, also what happened to practices?
J: Well I got set free.
H: What do you mean?
J: Well he basically told us that he didn't need me and Lizzie so me and Lizzie left the team.
H: Why isn't Cleo in cheerleading practice?
J: Probably to be with Lizzie.

I nod and Josie and I walk to the car. Once we got to the car, we hopped in. After a while of driving, we finally got home. Nobody's cars were in the driveway.

J: Wow your dad seriously wasn't kidding when he said that nobody would be home.
H: Yeah no kidding.

We walked inside and I seen zero people in the house. I walked up to my room and put my bag on my desk. I pulled out homework and began to do my work.

J: Your seriously doing homework?
H: Mhm, what would you like to do instead?
J: Hang out with you.
H: Come here.

I pat my lap and Josie sat in my lap. I went back to doing my work and Josie grabbed the pen. I looked at her.

J: No more working. We can do this tonight.
H: I have to get work done Jo.
J: Work can wait, right now you have a beautiful woman on your lap who wants to cuddle.

I smiled and Josie kissed me. Josie got up and laid down in bed. She waved the pen around and I got up. I walked over to her and went to reach for the pen. Josie pulled the pen away.

H: Come on, give it to me.
J: Not til you lay down.
H: I have to finish up a couple things, please give me the pen.
J: Not after cuddles.

I roll my eyes and smiled. I laid down next to Josie. Josie snuggled into me, with the pen still in her hand. She handed me the pen.

J: Here you go.
H: What?
J: Take the pen.
H: Why would I need it now?
J: It's for later. So that way you can get your work done.

We laid in bed for a couple of hours. I heard the front door opening, I got up and walked over to my desk. I looked over and seen Josie smiling. I give her the smile back and finished up my school work.

Josie's POV
Hope went back to her work, I scrolled through my phone. Freya walked into Hope's room. I look at her and go back to looking at my phone.

F: Hope we've talked about this.
H: About what?
F: Josie seems bored out of her mind. Hang out with her instead of your school work.
H: I just have to finish up one last thing.
F: Like what?
H: Some equations.
F: Math?
H: Mhm.
F: Good luck.

Freya walked out of the room and I chuckle. Hope looks at me and laughs.

H: You're adorable.

I look at Hope and everything goes quiet.

J: Say that again.
H: You're adorable.

I got up and walked over to Hope. I sat on her lap and kissed her. She pulls away with a smile on her face.

J: I love you.
H: I love you too.

We heard a knock on the door and Klaus walks into Hope's room. We both look at Klaus and he gives us a warm smile.

Kl: You guys have been busy I see.
H: It's not even like that.
Kl: Okay well pack some bags. I'll be dropping you guys off somewhere in a bit.
H: Okay, we'll be down there in a bit.
Kl: Okay, don't be late now.

Hope shoos her father away and he looks at me and then looks back at Hope. He winks and walks off. Hope shakes her head and I giggle. I got off of her lap and she stood up. We packed a bag.

H: I guess you could say we have some talking to do Jo.
J: About what?
H: About taking the next step or not.
J: We don't have to if you don't want to Hope.
H: We'll talk about this later love.

We walk downstairs and Kol smirks at us. I laugh a little bit and we all piled into a car.

After a long drive, Klaus drops us off at my family's cabin. I see Leo and Landon standing by the cabin. We got out and Landon helped us with our bags.

Kl: Be careful guys. Don't kill each other. Also I need to speak with Leo.
H: Dad no.

Klaus got out of the car and walked up to Leo. Landon, Hope and I all walked into the cabin. Hope would occasionally look out windows to make sure nothing and was going on.

Klaus's POV
I was standing next to Leo while everyone went inside. I heard a bit about what he's done to Josie. I just wanted to talk to him about it. I grab him by the arms and take him far away from the cabin. I knew Hope would try to listen in on the conversation. Leo seemed pretty scared.

Kl: So you're the guy who tried to hurt Josie?
Le: I didn't mean to sir. It was out of anger and I was wrong for it. I've learned from my actions sir.
Kl: Stop calling me sir. I'm not royalty. I just want to know why you did it and don't say it was from anger because that's not any way to treat someone if your anger gets the best of you.
Le: I've heard some things about you sir. You also let your anger control you during your high school years.

I give him an evil smirk and held him up against a tree. He gulped and I laughed.

Kl: This isn't about me, this is about you.
Le: I'm sorry just please let me go.
Kl: Tell me why you did what you did Leo.
Le: I simply pinned Josie up against the wall because she took Hope from me. I intend to get Hope back tonight. No matter the cost.
Kl: You won't do that. If I see any of them upset after this weekend, then you will perish. Got that?

Leo gulped harder this time, I loosened my grip on him and he began to talk.

Le: Fine I won't do anything sir. I'm sorry.
Kl: Good. Now pretend everything's okay and I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was talk with you. Nothing more.
Le: Okay Klaus.

I give him a small smile and we walked back to the cabin. Once we got to the cabin, Hope gave me the death glare.

Kl: All we did was talk darling. Right Leo?

I nudged him and he nodded. Landon looks at me and he shakes his head. Hope still has the same look when we walked inside. Josie was looking at the floor.

Kl: Have a good trip you guys.
H: Bye dad.
J: Bye Mr. Mikaelson.

I walked out of the cabin and made my way home.

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