Chapter 7

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-A couple days go by-

Josie's POV
I woke up on a nice Friday morning, which meant mom was coming home. The past couple of days have been amazing. I get up and get ready for school. I see Lizzie sitting at the table, she looks at me.

J: Good morning Liz.
L: You seem cheerful.
J: Why shouldn't I be?
L: It's the morning. Why else?
J: Let's just get this day over with.

Lizzie nods and we go to school. Once we got to the school, Cleo took Lizzie away from me. They've been getting closer lately which I have no problem with. I got to my locker and opened it. I grabbed my books and closed my locker. I see Hope, standing by my locker as usual.

H: You seem very cheerful, I like it.
J: Thank you Hopey.

I give her a quick peck on the cheek and walk off. She follows after me. She's been walking me to my classes for these past couple of days, even if we don't have the same class.

J: You know you don't always have to walk me to class.
H: I know, I choose to do this.
J: Aren't you going to be late for class?
H: No, I have enough time to walk you to your classes and then walk myself to my other classes.
J: Do you now?
H: I would say so.

I smiled at Hope and then we got to my class. She walks off to her class. I walked into class and everyone turned to look at me. This has been a reoccurring thing. I go school, I get stared at, and I've also been hanging out with Hope and her friends more. Tomorrow would be Lizzie and I's birthday. I was kinda excited for it. Lizzie wanted to throw a party, she apparently talked to mom about it. Mom said it was okay but I double checked just in case. Once class begun everyone turned their attention towards the board. We watched a simple video on bugs, which was disgusting. After a couple of classes, everyone headed to lunch. After lunch there would be an assembly, it's basically just a thing everyone has to go to so that way they can talk about the basketball and football team. It's tradition, before every game there would be one. At lunch, I see Hope talking and laughing with her friends. I walk up behind her, wrap my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

H: Hey. This is new.
J: Get use to it

I unwrap myself and sat down next to her. Everybody went quiet for a couple minutes. Hope held my hand and conversations started back up.

M: So you and Lizzie are throwing a birthday party?
J: Mhm, something like that.
M: Who's all invited?
J: Whoever she invites and whoever I invite.
La: Who are you inviting?
J: All of you guys.
La: Really?
J: Yes, you guys are my friends and I'd like to keep it that way.

Everybody looks towards Hope. She looks at them all confused.

La: She basically just called you her friend.
H: I can be a girlfriend and a friend. I don't mind it.
La: Uhm okay? So you don't have a problem with that?
H: Not really, should I?

Landon shakes his head and he chuckles a tiny bit. This causes the whole table to be confused.

M: I think he's trying to say that your girlfriend, Josie just called you her friend and she'd like to keep it that. Is that like not getting to your head?
J: Okay Mg, let's not get to ahead now. I was normally talking to you guys because you were asking questions about the party. Hope knows she's my girlfriend. I'd rather keep me and her as girlfriends for as long as I can.
H: You do realize that you aren't getting rid of me?
J: I never wanted to in the first place.

Landon and Mg leave the table. Lizzie, Cleo, Rafael all come and sit by us. Hope finishes her food and takes care of her tray.

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