Chapter 23

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Authors Note: So I am extremely sorry that I haven't been updating this story. I've been busy with school. I just wanna say thank you for literally being patient. Also AN means authors note just in case you guys get confused. You'll see the AN when you read this chapter. You guys will find enjoyment in this chapter and it's me making fun of myself. Enjoy this chapter.

Josie's POV

We finally arrived to the destination Hope had planned for us. She said there was about three places we'll be going today. It was 2pm when we got there. Hope gets out of the car first and opens my door for me.

J: Thank you Hope.

H: You're welcome m'lady.

I give Hope a kiss and we walk into the building. Once we walked in Hope walked up to the counter. I looked around and seen little kids hitting golf balls into the hole. (AN: I don't know how to explain mini golf. I literally googled what mini golf was 🤦‍♀️).

Hope walked up to me with golf clubs. (AN: Is that what you call them? I don't know anymore 😭. I probably sound so stupid trying to explain mini golf right now). Hope hands me one and I take it.

H: You first.

J: Why me?

H: Because I said so. Let's go play some mini golf.

I nod and we walk out to the courses.

J: Actually Hope, I don't really know how to play mini golf.

H: You put down your ball, and you hit it and hopefully make it in the hole. It's easy.

J: It sounds easy.

H: It is easy. Go on, try it for yourself.

I gulp and place the ball down. (AN: I don't really know how to explain the movements for mini golf so enjoy me probably messing everything up). I look at Hope and she nods. I look back down at the ball and put the golf club up against the ball.

H: Now all you have to do is swing.

J: How hard do I swing?

H: Not hard, just lift your golf club up from the ground and swing. Like this.

I look at Hope and she does the movements to hit the ball. I nod and I do the same movements Hope does. The ball bounces off the wall/ledge. (AN: You guys can call it whatever you want. It's those little hump things like a small hill). The ball stops close to the hole.

H: Good job.

J: It didn't go in though?

H: That's okay, you can get it on your next try.

I nod and Hope does everything I did. (AN: I don't feel like repeating it. Mini golf is a pain in the butt to explain). Hope actually makes the ball go in the hole.

For the next couple of hours, Hope won most of the courses. We finally get to the last course and somebody walks up to Hope.

?: Hey, could we talk?

Hope looks over to me and I nod. She walks up to me and kisses my cheek.

H: I'll be right back. I promise.

I nod and Hope walks away. I stand there in an awkward stance. I kept my eyes on Hope and this random guy until they disappeared behind something.

Hope's POV

We were behind a pole. An old friend of mine, Alejandro came up to me and Josie. I haven't seen him in 5-6 years.

H: What's up?

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