Author's Note

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Alright, new book. I won't necessarily start this at first. Mostly because I'm already trying to finish one. This story is about normal teenage things. The rules for this book is:
No Supernaturals, nothing talking about magic unless it's Mg because he wants to be a magician in this book. Lizzie is very popular and is dating quarterback Sebastian. Josie will currently be dating Penelope which is why she gets into my parties. There's not much but I will be updating this book but it'll be rare in a way. There is also no boarding school, it'll all be one big high school. Cleo is kinda popular but also not super popular. It's all just normal teenage stuff. The first chapter will be up Sunday night or Monday morning. I hope you guys enjoy this book and this time I'll make it longer. More chapters for this book and longer chapters as well. Thank you for the support on my last 2 hosie books.

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