Chapter 15

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Leo's POV
After Klaus left, I knew it was time for my plan to work. I'll get Hope Mikaelson to fall in love with me. I just have to pretend to be friends with Josie and Landon this weekend. If my plan doesn't work, then Penelope and my family would be disappointed in me. I know they'll be proud. If not then I'll be a disappointment.

Klaus's POV
After I left, I called Freya immediately. I told her to keep an eye on Hope and Josie because Leo isn't trustworthy. After that call, I finally got home. Everyone was home except for Freya. Freya should give me updates every now and then. Family is power, Elijah has helped me realize that. Josie will be part of the family no matter what. Hope and Josie will be the rock of this family. Nobody else is good enough for Hope, only Josie and I intend to keep them together.

Hope's POV
After my dad left, I unpacked all the clothes. Josie would come in every now and then and check up on me. I don't know why but I'm not asking questions. Landon walks in.

La: What do you think actually went down between Leo and Klaus?
H: We both know my dad, he doesn't only just talk.
La: Well yeah obviously but what do you think happened?
H: My dad probably threatened him like he does with everybody else to make sure I'm okay and happy.
La: Overprotective dad.
H: Something like that.

Landon walked out of the room. I finished unpacking and putting the clothes away in a drawer which was probably unneeded. I walked out of the room and heard some music playing. I walked towards it and see Josie playing her ukulele in the living room.

H: That's incredible babe.
J: Thank you.

Josie put her ukulele down and I sat down next to her. She laid her head on my shoulder and I held her hand.

J: Surprise once again. Happy camping.
H: What's first on the agenda?
J: Just hang out here and then Leo and Landon should be back with wood in an hour.

I nod and kiss Josie's head. Josie looks up to me and we kissed. It was a passionate kiss. Leo walked into the room.

Le: Get a room.
J: Jealous much?
H: Go kiss Landon.
Le: What if I want to kiss somebody else.

Josie got up and walked out of the cabin. I gave Leo the death stare and chased after Josie.

H: Josie!
J: What?
H: What's wrong?
J: We both know he still likes you.
H: Okay and?
J: That's it?
H: He doesn't compete with you. I'd choose you over him everyday, every hour, and every second.
J: What if he tries to sabotage our relationship?
H: He won't, my dad won't let him. Hell I even won't let him. I'll do anything to keep you Jo.
J: No matter the cost?
H: No matter the cost.

Josie smiled and we shared a hug. After awhile of hugging. Landon and Leo came up to us.

La: Yo what's going on?
H: Nothing Lan.

Landon gave me the eyes of "you'll tell me later" and I nod at him. He smiles and looks over to Leo. He shakes his head and we all walk back to the cabin.

Once we got back to the cabin, Leo pulled me to the side. I looked over to Josie and she signals me that she'll be okay. I nod and Leo and I take a walk.

Le: I really want to say something Hope.
H: Well go ahead, nobody's stopping you.
Le: You obviously know that I like you. Of course I like you but I can't stand you being with Josie. I feel like I could-
H: No, just stop Leo. You don't make me happy. If anything you stress me the fuck out. I'm happy with Josie. I don't know why you and Landon are friends but don't try to be all buddy buddy with Josie. Not after the stupid stunts you pulled before me and her even got together. You may have saved Landon's life and you may have been a good friend for him. But do not come around me and act like everything you did was normal. You did what you did out of jealousy and just peer hatred to Josie. Don't even think about doing whatever you want this weekend. I know that my dad didn't truly talk to you. He gave you threat and I bet he has someone watching us right now so I'd back off and let me be happy for once. Landon deserves a better friend then you.

Walking Disaster- Hosie Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin