Chapter 33: Remnants of The East

Start from the beginning

"Lee? You know me?" She slowly takes small steps forward, as if to assure him that she meant no harm. She does her best to keep calm as she assessed the situation.

His clothes was ragged and tattered, smeared with his dried vital fluids. His face, oh god his face, was gashed and clawed, ripping off the synthetic skin that covered his metal frame. He was surrounded by black and red electrical currents, making his already imposing figure more frightening.

"Yes...I know you..." The spectre that is Lee slowly but steadily raises his right arm, gun aimed right at her.

"It's murdered me..."


"Haagh!" The matress creaked at her sudden movement. Anastasia immediately sat upright, cold sweat running down her spine. Breathing in and out, she does her best to calm the bursting sensation in her heart. She puts a hand over her eyes, massaging it after that dreaded nightmare.

"That felt so real...". She says to herself. She knew for a fact that her chest was tightening into a knot, even though she was only shot in the imaginary world she created.

"Commandant? Are you alright?" The calm, soothing voice of Liv came from beside her. She looks over to her side to see a worried expression on the silken haired construct.

Anastasia reaches out and pats her on the head. "I'm alright. Just a...recurring nightmare since I was a child." She said, lying with a straight face. Sometimes, it's easier for someone to lie than to tell the truth.

"If you say so Commandant." Liv gave her a worried look. "Lucia and I tried to wake you up because you were moving in your sleep." Still in her nightwear, she leans her on her Commandant's shoulders, silently hoping she wouldn't get pushed away.

"...what did you dream about, Commandant?" Liv asked after a moment of silence. Anastasia seemed to be in deep thought, before leaning her head against Liv.

"It was a ghost...but he was a good ghost..." She mutters.

"A good ghost?" The construct inquired.

" that was murdered.."

She still cannot stop blaming herself for what happened to him. Sure, there were a lot of obstacles and circumstances, but they, no, she could have saved him. Try as she might to forget what happened, his face would resurface whenever she closes her eyes. It makes her stomach knot.

"I was worried. You were muttering indecipherable words too." Liv says and puts her hands over hers.

"Don't you worry now." Anastasia says and smiles at her, before caressing the construct on her cheek. Liv looks at her with surprise, but she doesn't push her away. Much to Anastasia's surprise, she reciprocated the gesture. Liv smiled when she saw a sudden change at her Commandant's apathetic expression.

"Anas...tasia.." Liv muttered shyly, their eyes locked on each other. She feels a swirling sensation on her M.I.N.D, and her face began heating up. Even though her Commandant just woke up, she couldn't deny the ethereal beauty of her face. In the heat of her momentum, she reaches out and tucks Anastasia's hair behind her ear.

She couldn't explain it, but she's beginning to feel attached to her. If you ignore her enigmatic behavior and that cold gaze of hers, you'll find her a warm person to hang out with. Just seeing Anastasia was enough to make her feel...complete?


"Hyaah?!" Liv shrieked, startled by the newly awoke Karenina, who stood there with her arms across her chest. She yawned pretty loudly, before scratching her hair which was a mess of storm.

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