saved by spiderman

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requested by heylolzxxxx

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requested by heylolzxxxx

today was finally the long awaited day, the day where mason was getting his wisdom teeth out and it was quite fair to say that he was nervous but also a tiny bit excited. it was only a few months ago that i had gotten mine taken out and mason was with me the entire time, so he didn't have to worry about being on his own since he had me and his parents with him.

luckily the procedure went smoothly and surprisingly quite quickly and before we knew it, mason was being wheeled out into the waiting room. once we had thanked the doctors and signed him out, tony was the one to walk him to the car whilst i held masons hand, just like he had asked for.

"isn't she so pretty?" mason gazed at me, his eyes droopy as he was still waking up from being asleep, his footsteps slightly slow leaving tony to do all of the work. "i love you so much."

"i love you too mase, thank you."

once we had got mason buckled in safely and we had pulled out of the dentists car park, masons question had begun. "do i still look good without my teeth?" mason pulled the ice pack away as he tried to reach for his teeth that sat in a container in the front, debbie patting his hands away making him throw himself back against the leather seat.

"you have to keep the ice pack on your face, darling." i placed the said object back on his jaw making him dramatically shiver, holding it in place until he lifted his hand up only for him to trap my hand under his. "you're going to freeze my hand off."

"but i want to hold your hand, they're soft." 

"hold this one then, it'll be warmer than the one you're holding now." i held my right hand out for him, his cold hands a contrast to my warmer ones creating the perfect temperature.

"i think she still loves me." mason clarified to his parents as if i wasn't sat right next to him, both of them chuckling at his proud tone of voice.

"she's seen you worse than this, of course she loves you." tony told his youngest son and it was true, i'd seen him on his best days and on his worser days, and he'd seen me on mine.

"did you hear that?" he sounded shocked as he turned to me, his words slightly muffled due to the gauze in his mouth but it was still audible. "i always look so good, don't listen to them."

"what do you think you look like, mase?"

"i feel like as good as ever! i still look as good as ever."

"i love your modesty, babe." i sarcastically said, debbie snorting at the comment as she sat in the front.

"if someone punched me right now, i wouldn't even feel it."

"do you want me to try it?" i asked him, to which he got excited very quickly.

"yeah." it was only once he said it that realisation hit, him changing his answer to the question immediately. "no, no, no."

"it might knock his teeth out." tony joined in, mason shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"i ain't go no teeth." he laughed, desperately wanting to see his teeth that he had taken out, even if they were in a container. "mum, can i have my teeth?"

"people would pay thousands for them."

"we could charity them off." he shook the container before shoving them in front of my face. "i bet you'd pay for these."

"i get to see them for free every day." i smirked, giving the container back to debbie as we all knew that he'd end up spilling the teeth everywhere.

"i'm gonna start charging you then." he held his hand out as if asking for money but putting it away when i high fived him. "if they took my wisdom teeth out, does that mean they took my wisdom?" he gasped, pressing his cheek slightly as he still couldn't feel anything.

"you need to actually have wisdom for them to take it out." tony joked, the three of us laughing at his joke but also at masons reaction, his mouth wide open so we all got a full view of the bloody gauze.

"he's only joking, my love." i had to reassure him as i rubbed my thumb against his hand, something that i knew mason loved done to him.

"can we watch spiderman at home?" mason asked randomly, his head on my shoulder as my fingers ran through his messy hair, a groan leaning his mouth as we went over a speed bump.

"we can watch anything you want."

"can we go five guys? i want to have a burger."

"you can't eat for a while, mase." debbie had to tell him making him groan again, holding his hands in a burger shape like he was eating one.

"i won't even chew, i'll just swallow it whole." he tried to reason with debbie as she continued to film him, mason turning to me with a smirk on his face at the word swallow.

"but then i'll die! i'm too pretty to die, babe save me." he reached for my hand, his fingers interlocking with mine as debbie turned around to look at us with a smile on her face. "or get spiderman to save me."

"it might take a while but i'll try." i told him with a giggle, him now switching his ice pack to the other side of his face before balancing it between my shoulder and his jaw so that he could rest his head. "you comfy there, babe?"

"i got a bit of saliva on your jumper, sorry." he tried to wipe the stain off with the tissue that i had given him a few minutes earlier but he was having no luck in getting it off.

"it's alright, love, it's yours anyways."

"the jumper or the saliva?" a smile on my face as i listened to his murmuring.


he definitely didn't want to be in the same position for a long amount of time as he was now sat back, his jumper tucked on his lap as he got his phone out of his pocket, instantly going to the camera.

"smile babe." he held his phone up so that both of our faces were in the frame, a smile gracing both of our faces as the dried up blood added a tint to masons lip, the smile leaving his face once he saw his lips on the photo. "are you sure they didn't put botox in me when we were in there?"

"they won't have put botox in your lips." debbie told him but mason wasn't having any of it, the chelsea footballer holding the camera up to his face as he stared at his lips before holding the phone in front of his whole face, him pouting making us all laugh.

"yeah but look at the size of these ones." he chuckled, pointing at his lips before turning his upper half back to me, dramatically pouting his lips as he leant in towards me. "kiss me and tell me that they're not the same."

pushing him back by placing my hand on his chest gently, his pout turned into a frown "i'll tell you when you're not covered in blood and saliva."

"nah they're massive, oh my god." he complained for one last time about his lips before changing the topic completely. "you know what else is massive?"

"this conversation ends now." i gently placed my hand over his hand, not wanting to hurt him but only getting my palm licked in the process.

"mason!" debbie's eyes widened as tony laughed loudly.

"i want a baby, i really want a baby." his voice was soft and gentle making my heart melt, his hair floppy just how i liked it the most, his eyes wide yet i could see how tired he truly was despite him not trying to show it. "imagine us with a baby."

"keep imagining because it won't be happening anytime soon."

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