Flashback VI

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Jungkook is sitting at his usual spot that is under the tree in the playground during his lunch break. He takes out his phone to read his favourite Webtoon. But even before he can start reading it, the smell he has grown to love invades his senses.

His head whips in the direction from where the smell is coming. He sees his mate walking towards him nervously. Jungkook puts his phone down, wondering what is his mate, whose name he found out is Taehyung, doing here? He always takes a different path whenever he sees Jungkook and as much as it hurts the ravenette, he cannot do anything about it.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung calls out, his voice is smooth, like butter. He is not making direct eye contact with the true blood.

And the ravenette, on the other hand, feels like his heart skipped a beat. His mate just called his name for the first time and he wants to do a happy dance. He also loves how cute the younger looks while blushing.

"Yes, Taehyung?" The younger's eyes widen when the true blood says his name? How does he know it?

"You know my name?" The younger points at himself. Jungkook chuckles at how blank he looks.

"Of course, I do. Why don't you sit?" Jungkook shifts to make space for the younger. The omega contemplates for a little while but then decides that he can sit here because there are a lot of people around them in the playground.

"So, how come you're here?" Jungkook is curious because he has seen Taehyung going to the library during the lunch breaks. Apparently, he does not have friends either because according to the people, he is just a weak omega.

"I figured you could use some company." Taehyung replies, trying to sound a bit more confident.

"Oh, I definitely can." Jungkook smiles brightly. He is so happy that the younger decided to come and talk to him on his own. It's funny how the both of them have no friends. They could be a perfect match, right?

Jungkook chuckles at his thoughts making the purple haired male look sideways at him. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Taehyung looks at him with confusion but decides that he shouldn't say something that might anger the true blood.

"Say Jungkook, do you like chicken wraps?" Taehyung asks, unzipping his bag that the ravenette only noticed just now but can you blame him? When he sees the younger, he forgets everything.

"I can die for them." And for you. He does not say that aloud.

"You don't have to die for them since I made some chicken wraps for lunch and I wanna share them with you." Taehyung says what he has practiced several times at his home already because he does not want to make a fool out of himself in front of the other male.

"Really? Thank you." Jungkook is happy. Happy moments in his life are rare because he constantly feels a void in his heart which is caused by loneliness but here is his mate, bringing lunch for him that he made himself.

"No, I should be the one thanking you." Taehyung takes out one chicken wrap from the box and offers it to the true blood who happily takes it.

"Why though?" Jungkook asks as he takes a bite from his chicken wrap. He moans at how good it tastes.

"For saving me that day." The younger whispers, fiddling with his fingers. Jungkook looks at him with a smile and whispers back, "Would've done that in a heartbeat."

The statement makes Taehyung's heart skip a beat. He has wanted to thank the ravenette since the day he saved him but he was scared of him because of the rumours he heard. But then he thought that all Jungkook does is sit quietly and attend his classes. He does not even associate himself with the other kids in school so why does he have the reputation he has? Maybe he is not all that bad and with that thought in mind, Taehyung decided to thank the older with a lunch that he made himself.

"Would you like a friend, Jungkook?" The younger asks, sounding a little nervous. The ravenette cannot believe what he just heard? Does that mean Taehyung is offering to be his friend? If that's the case, he would thank the Moon Goddess everyday.

"Depends on who wants to befriend me." Jungkook shrugs, opening his mouth to eat the last bite of his incredibly yummy chicken wrap.

"What if it's me?"

"Then I'll definitely want that." Jungkook winks, making the younger's cheeks turn pink. The ravenette chuckles and steals one wrap from the other's tiffin.

"These are yummy, Taehyung." Jungkook compliments the omega's cooking which obviously makes him so happy.

"Really?" Taehyung asks excitedly.


"Then I'll make something for the both of us everyday." Taehyung claps happily. He too is glad about the fact that he made a friend as well. His first ever friend.


Hey lovelies! Do you like this chapter? Was it cute? I think it was cute.

2 days. Just 2 days since BTS joined Instagram and Taehyung has posted two times with Jungkook already. Like I cannot keep calm! This is just what my Taekook heart wants!!

 Like I cannot keep calm! This is just what my Taekook heart wants!!

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We finally got a Taekook selca

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We finally got a Taekook selca. I haven't been on my knees in a while🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

Anyway, this book will be ending after another 4 chaps!

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