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The dinner goes as planned. Seokjin's cooking is praised a lot. Whenever they have special guests at the pack house, Seokjin takes it upon himself to prepare a nice meal with the help of Eunha.

They don't talk about rogues or work in general, they just talk about random stuff. Jimin and Hoseok are confused because they feel the mate attraction with Yoongi. How is this possible? Don't they have a mate already? They are each other's mate. Then why do they feel attraction towards a third person?

On the other hand, Jungkook is busy staring at Taehyung and Taehyung finds it difficult to ignore him. He tries his best not to look at him but the intoxicating scent of the alpha and his gaze is making it very hard for him. "Taehyung, Jungkook is staring at you." Eunha whispers in his ear.

Can't you link me, noona? I'm sure he can hear you. Taehyung links her. Eunha's eyes widen and she links back. Oh I'm sorry. Just look at the way he is staring at you. He looks so whipped.

Do you even know what you're saying? He barely even knows me. Taehyung frowns and links Eunha. Jungkook is looking at the facial expressions of both Taehyung and Eunha and he is sure they are talking to each other through mind link.

Ever heard of mates, Tae? Eunha links, sounding sarcastic. Taehyung is shocked at her words. He never thought Jungkook would stare at him because of this. Is this even possible? Why would Jungkook like someone like Taehyung?

Taehyung shakes his head and then he suddenly remembers Soobin. It's time for his feed and he must be awake.

I don't know, Eunha. Stop saying anything you aren't sure of. I'll go see Soobin now. He links his friend and excuses himself, walking off to his room.

Jungkook notices this. He wants to talk to Taehyung and when he realizes no one is paying attention to him, he follows the path Taehyung took. He takes the staircase but gets confused when he sees so many rooms and such a big corridor. He starts following Taehyung's sweet scent and reaches a door at the end of the corridor.

His heart starts beating faster when he hears giggles from inside the room. The door is slightly ajar and even though Jungkook knows he shouldn't peep inside someone's room without their permission, curiosity gets the best of him and he peeps inside. His eyes widen when he sees the omega playing with a small baby.

"Awww Soobinie, come to mama. Come on." Taehyung says. He is sitting on the bed, cross-legged. He claps his hands, telling the pup to come closer to him. The little boy giggles and crawls on his hands and knees, going closer to his mother.

Taehyung keeps cheering for him, telling him to come closer and when the little alpha is close to him, he picks him up and cradles him in his chest. The little boy claps his hands in excitement and giggles when Taehyung kisses him all over his face. Soobin is strangely very active right now and he isn't even hungry. Taehyung wonders what's gotten into him.

An unknown smile spreads across Jungkook's face even though he is very confused. His mate has a baby, a very beautiful one at that and he doesn't know how to feel about it. He bites his lips, trying to keep away any kind of negative thoughts that threaten to haunt him.

"J-Jungkook-ssi?" Taehyung's deep voice brings him out of his trance. Jungkook looks at the male omega who is looking at him as if he has seen a ghost. On the other hand, Taehyung wonders what is the true blood doing outside his room and looking at him and his pup like that.

"I uh... just wanted to talk to you." Jungkook says slowly, not wanting the younger to think of him as some kind of a creep but well, he has been staring at him since the moment his eyes fell on the omega so he can't really blame Taehyung to think of him like that.

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