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Today is one of the days Taehyung enjoyed a lot. Going out with Jungkook and Soobin is really refreshing for him. So far they have already spent two hours in the mall. They bought clothes and footwear for Soobin. In the toy shop, Jungkook bought everything the pup put his hands on. He completely ignored Taehyung's protests of not spending a lot of money on them. They even made the little pup ride a remote controlled car which Soobin enjoyed a lot.

Taehyung smiles through his tears seeing his pup so happy and excited. He feels like he has been depriving Soobin of something that he deserves. He keeps staring at his son until he feels a hand softly patting his head.

He immediately looks at his side and sees Jungkook smiling at him. "Are you okay, Tae?"

Taehyung nods and smiles a little. "I'm just so happy today... Soobin looks so happy. Thank you for bringing us here." Taehyung says to the true blood who feels delighted. He is so glad that he could make his mate happy.

"And it makes me happy to see you and Soobin so happy, sweetheart." Jungkook says, managing to make Taehyung blush again.

Once Soobin's car ride is over, Jungkook picks him up in his arms again. Today, all the time they have been out, Jungkook didn't let Taehyung worry about Soobin and his needs at all. He carried the pup everywhere. He wanted Taehyung to enjoy too because by now he has a clear idea that Taehyung always thinks about his pup before himself. He always prioritises his baby so Jungkook would prioritise both Taehyung and Soobin. That's what he decided a few days ago.

"Let's go and buy clothes for you now." Jungkook announces. Taehyung's eyes widen. Jungkook has paid for everything they bought today and he feels bad about it. He wants to pay too but right now, he lacks money.

"I don't need any clothes." Taehyung says.

"Hmm... maybe you don't but I want to buy some for you so let's go." Jungkook says and starts walking ahead, not giving Taehyung a chance to argue.

The purple haired boy stares at the retrieving back of the true blood with his pup in his arms. The sight makes him happy and also slightly giddy.

After another one hour of Taehyung trying to tell Jungkook that it was enough and that he doesn't need to buy anything more for him, he finally gives up and ends up buying three outfits. When he tried them on, Jungkook felt like he couldn't control himself. The omega is too pretty and attractive. It's impossible not to stare at him and want to do things with him.

"We should buy some clothes for you too." Taehyung suggests once his shopping is done. Jungkook cannot be more happy with the idea. This feels like a family outing to him and it's something that he always wanted.

After shopping, they decide to have dinner at a restaurant. Jungkook has been a total gentleman today. From taking care of the pup to pulling a chair for Taehyung, he did everything. He made the purple haired omega feel important and valued. Taehyung has never experienced something like this and he feels like one of these days, he might cry due to the true blood's sweet gestures.

"Order whatever you want." Jungkook says. Soobin is still on his lap, playing with his eyebrow piercing.

"What do you wanna have, pup?" He asks the little one. He makes the boy comfortable on his lap and shows him the menu when he sees him peeping.

"What should we order for him?" Jungkook asks Taehyung, knowing that the baby cannot eat everything right now.

"How about Chicken Salad?" Taehyung suggests to which Jungkook immediately agrees. He asks the omega again about what he wants to eat but the name of the dishes on the menu are very high fi and Taehyung has never heard of them before.

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