Chapter 6

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Kaida was running blindly. She didn't know where she was, or how she was going to get home but what she did know was— she couldn't stay there.

The child had grabbed her hand. She could still feel how warm it felt. It was the first time someone other than a zodiac member had touched her.

It made her feel sick.

She knew this was going to happen. She expected it, being in a place like this, and yet,  she still came. Because even though it was a disaster bound to happen, it was a chance for her to leave the walls of her home. Even if she had to accompany someone she didn't know and wasn't quite fond of; seeing something new interested her. She was excited to leave her home, but now, she wanted nothing more than to go back. She couldn't escape the place; not even for an hour of her life.

Her chest was started to feel funny. Even though the world was still a blur, her eyesight was starting to become sharp and focused. The people she ran past, now had faces. She ran faster, and faster and faster. Her breathing became more ragged, and heavy. She couldn't transform, not here, not now. How could she explain why she became a mythical creature told in children stories. She reached for the necklace hanging around her neck.

At least I won't turn into a complete monster

Kaida came to a stop and tried to control her breathing. Running blindly anymore wasn't going to help her. She needed to know where she was. She desperately looked around, at any signs or descriptions that could tell her anything. There were still little white houses everywhere, there were still swarms of people coming in all directions. She couldn't find an end. She must have looked crazed from the way people were staring at her. Looking down at her hands, she saw how violently they were shaking. It was hurting her entire being, trying to keep herself from not turning.

She needed to think, if she didn't know where she was, the only other thing she could possibly do is find a place to hide. Find a place, transform and wait it out. She looked around and around, until her eyes fell on a small park. Fortunately for her, not many people seemed to be there. Small and big bushes filled the park so she would just need to dive into one and stay there. Without another thought she bolted to the park. Many eyes fell on her as she ran past but she didn't care how she must have looked. If she transformed in front of them, now that would be a real show stopper.

30 ft.

25 ft.




Kaida already decided which bush she wanted. It was a mere 10 ft from her. She was  barely holding it together; her insides felt like they were going to explode out of her.

Then, a sudden fast movement on her right side caught her attention. The mere second she took her eyes off the bush, was the second her plan came crashing down on her. She didn't expect it, and she didn't have time to stop it—as she collided full force with the human standing in front of her. She wanted to let out a cry as she felt herself change, she couldn't hold it anymore.

In the arms of this human, Kaida transformed into the dragon zodiac.

What am I going to do, Akira?

The Ballad of a Cursed DragonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang