Chapter 9

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Sorry again for the wait :(  and if you see any grammar errors or any type or errors no you didn't




The lady continues to stare down at her, not making any indignation of her leaving.

She's a little too close for Kaida's comfort

The unwavering eye contact is starting to make her squirm. If the lady wasn't planning on moving, it's going to have to be her that moves— she seemed unpredictable, any moment she could reach out and...

She moves, and Kaida's breath hitches

The lady is now mere inches from her face, so close she can see the irises in her brown eyes.

"Are your eyes really purple?"

She swallows, any movement from her or from the lady could mean contact. If she weren't already shaking from the rain, she would feel a cold chill run down her spine.

"Is your hair really orange?"

Kaida immediately closes her mouth

I did it again. What's wrong with me?

"I'm sorry... forgive me I just... can you... can you give me some space?"

She looks down into her hands to avoid her gaze.

The lady doesn't say anything but Kaida feels the open air again as she takes some steps back.

"Don't be sorry kid, I got all in your personal space. You're eyes looked so interesting I just couldn't help but want to fully gaze into them"

She doesn't say anything, she knew she shouldn't have taken off her contacts. Her hair's already strange enough by itself , but her lavender eyes make her look entirely abnormal.

An outcast

"Not in a creepy way! If that's what you're thinking, I thought they were entirely real, but of course that would be impossible. And as for my hair, yes it is dyed. Been that way since I was a teen girl; orange just suits me, I bet I'm the only one you know with orange hair, huh? "

Prying her eyes from her hands, she looks toward the lady.

Her short orange hair sticks to her face from the rain. She smiles at her like she's known Kaida her whole life.

She finds it a bit strange she's still here, talking to her like if she hadn't just found a random girl, alone, sitting up against a wall while it's pouring. She must have somewhere to be, from the amount of items in her bag, she must have a family. Someone waiting for her to return back to them

She finds it strange... yet she can't help continue answering her.

"Kyo has orange hair"

The lady's face changes, her smile falls slightly for no more than a second. Like a past memory, an almost forgotten one played within her mind.

Reading people's faces was a knowledge Kaida had gained from her childhood. Being in the shadow of Akito, her voice, her words weren't cared for. The words of those who spoke to her were always filled with some sort of compassion but once she looked at their faces, the way their eyes would stare down at her or glaze over her own words— she knew.

The true emotion the face held canceled out any lie the mouth could spew.

Unless a person gained the ability of putting a mask in place, she would be able to see right through them...

The Ballad of a Cursed DragonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz