"How do you know Selene? What do you mean she choose me?" I questioned.

"Ah Selene and I, you could say we are old friends. You will have to ask why she choose you. I see nothing spectacular or special about you." She snobbishly responded. "There was never anything really special about her." She peered down and she pushed her long finger under my chin and pushed my face up. "You have her eyes." She said to no one but herself. 

I pushed her hand away from my face and rolled backwards quickly jumping to my feet. Her touch was cold, I sensed nothing but contempt and envy as she looked at me. "What do you want? Who are you? And what the hell does the Moon Goddess have to do with this?" I exclaimed as I stood a stance. I didn't know why but all my wolf recognised was an enemy in front of her. 

She chuckled. "You can't win against me, despite being blessed by Selene." She tutted. "It's shame that Selene would allow one of her children to suffer as you have my dear. You don't deserve the pain you have been given." She said as she waltzed up and down the river. "Abandoned by your parents. Rejected and neglected by your mate. Your adoptive mother murdered in cold blood." She sighed. 

For some reason her words hit me where it hurt. She was reminding me of my pain. I felt a throbbing in my chest, although it small, it still ached. "My parent's never abandoned me, they died." I corrected her. 

She let out a small chuckle. "Oh you foolish child. Is that what you believe? That your parent's were warriors who died." She made her way to my body, her movements were swift and before I knew it her mouth was by ear. "Your parent's were never warriors, they have been alive this whole time. They left you." She whispered. 

My feet retreated back as I looked at the figure in front of me. Although she was beautiful, I couldn't help but think that her insides were disgusting. She seemed like a vile woman. A woman's who words dripped with poison. 

"I won't ask you again, who are you!" I shouted. I could feel a darkness wrap around my skin that the words she shared. 

Don't let her words get to you Leyla, you are stronger than this. We are stronger than this. Amira exclaimed. 

"It depends, I could be a friend or a foe. It depends on your choices." She replied. Her voice was light and playful but for some reason she seemed determined to cause me pain. Her words were like poison darts wrapped in a pretty package. 

"Your name." I gritted. 

"I am the Queen of Gods my dear." She introduced herself. 

My mind was puzzled at her words, but my eyes widened in realisation. "Your Hera?" I replied. 

"Ah you are intelligent, you know your God's I feel honoured." She chuckled darkly. 

"How are you here? I thought Gods weren't permitted to roam the mortal world." I questioned. 

"Ah but there are ways. Like Silly Selene was able to communicate with you. Like with every rule there are exceptions." She explained. 

"Why are you here speaking to me?" I asked. I was confused by what the Queen of Gods wanted with me. I could sense that something wasn't right. Amira's unease was humming through our bond, she was intrigued by what the woman in front of us said but there was this underlying hate that was surfacing as each second past. 

"Well dear, I have plans. Plans that you could be apart of. You know I could help you reach your full potential. I could give you everything you and your wolf desires. I can give you the loving family you desire, the mate of your dreams and power beyond your imagination." Her words were like music to my ears. The temptation was within my grip.

The Mallapers Are Rising: A Rejected Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now