Chapter 32.

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  The stars were one of the very few unhampered treasures of Ridgeton. They never ceased to disappoint every non-rainy night. Tonight however, it wasn't easy basking in those glittering miracles when the silence that separated Tali and I's thoughts had gotten awkward fast.

   Each step we took side by side was agonising.

"Hey, Talise?" I finally gathered courage to speak out, twiddling my thumbs along the way. "I still feel like I owe you an apology for not being as open in our conversations about Zavlon Academia. And I'm referring to the ones before this whole craziness with the Yunies. I just thought I was protecting you from being looked down on by Zavolonians, but I should have known you're not like me. Not even those snobs can have a contemptuous word to say you."

   That was already obvious in her minor interaction with Rav, Dorian and Camila. Talise's personality may not make her the most approachable person sometimes—like today, but that didn't change the fact that she was a great person. The way she'd helped Rav even while she was still mad was a clear indication of that.

"It's okay." She shrugged. "And I get why you didn't tell me about this whole mind control thing either. A part of me keeps hoping when I wake up tomorrow, it'll just be some nightmare, possibly an aftermath of those crappy pills I downed at the party. That maybe I was wrong in thinking I'd wasted my money on something useless and the pills had kicked in after all. 'Cause not gonna lie, this is actually sort of terrifying."

   Tali admitting this was kind of a big deal since she was the bravest person I knew. Plus, showing her vulnerable side had never been her strongest suit. As glad as I was to hear her express herself, the thought of all this going wrong and affecting Talise was unsettling. Imagining my best friend in danger was nerve-wracking.

"You know you can still say no, right?" I ignored the tightness in my throat. "It is not our intention to put anyone in danger. Especially you."

"Damn," she clutched a handful of her clothing around her chest area with a pained look. "Was all that 'we need you' talk just bait then?"

"Well, yeah," I chuckled when she shoved me in response. "But seriously, are you in?"

"Break into an alien infested fortress? Uh, hell no!" She snorted. "Do so with my best friend kinda with me though? I'll give a solid yes to that. "

   Our walk stopped in front of Talise's home. We faced each other with light smiles and whispered our goodbyes. I proceeded to continue to my destination when Tali shocked me—us both, I'm sure— by grabbing one of my arms and pulling me into a hug. She gave me a tight squeeze before pulling away and walking toward her house's entrance.

   For both our sakes, I wasn't going to bring that up tomorrow. Or ever.

"See you tomorrow!" I gave a final wave before she shut her door.

   On the rest of my journey home solo, I noticed how every dimly-lit building, big and small, carried a unique beauty with it. I attributed that to the moon's borrowed shine cast upon Ridgeton. The absence of the houses and trees ahead would have made it possible to discover its glittering effect on Clearwater River.

   I took a look at the full moon one last time before entering through my door.

   My head went blank the moment sounds from TV reached me in the kitchen. I couldn't believe how I had easily forgotten about Mum. The next steps I took were shaky and hesitant. What was I going to tell her? Assuming she didn't kill me first, that is.

   I stopped at the door that linked the kitchen to the living room, taking deep breaths. Bracing myself for the worst, I walked into the room with silent feet.

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