Chapter 17.

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"You know, we've never really figured out how it all occurred in the first place," Aarav said. "I really think we should start from there."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Sacury mentioned that it was through the placement. We already know the how," Camila responded, crossing her arms.

"I think he means how the placement was done on every student," Dorian jumped in. "That's what doesn't make sense. I'm doubtful any of us would forget if some piece of tech was shoved into us."

"How could you possibly forget what those creatures were doing that day?" I asked all of them.

   How didn't they also witness what I saw occur in the classroom with the screaming girl and the monsters wielding those guns happen with the other students? The confused looks I was receiving didn't make any sense to me. Even more so when I watched their stares morph into horror as I described what had happened with the girl and those monsters in the classroom anyway.

"Hold on." Dorian interrupted my narration with a held up hand and head shake. "If that's the case, how are you the only one in this room who witnessed that?"

"What do you mean 'the only one'?" I asked. It was my turn to be bewildered. "Didn't you guys go back to your classes after lunch? You couldn't have missed what happened."

"Beth," Camila walked closer to face me. "Do you think what happened to that girl was the same thing that everyone else in your class went through as well?"

"Yes... Probably?" I flinched at the collective sighs they released. "I fell asleep for, like, two seconds okay? The classroom was empty when I woke up. By the time I caught up with the rest in the hallway, those monsters had already gotten to them... I assumed anyway."

"But you never saw that happen," Aarav pointed out with squinted eyes.

"Well, what did you guys see then?!" I snapped at them, not liking how I was being painted as a deranged liar.

"In my class, everyone just rose from their seats a few minutes into the documentary at the same time and headed toward the entrance. The teacher had stepped out earlier and hadn't returned so there was no one there to stop them." A clouded expression dictated Aarav's features as he continued with his story. "Anyone who I tried to speak to ignored me. When I found Dorian, he said the same thing had happened to him and he was equally lost. We tried to find a teacher or any other staff to ask what was going on but it seemed like they had all disappeared without a trace."

"And that's when we saw them," Dorian added with a clenched jaw, referring to the monsters. "We barely made it out."

   The atmosphere in the room turned dire.

"I think that's more than enough proof that the placement was through another means, don't you, Beth?" Camila chipped in, nodding toward me. "Maybe one of those weird screen things? You know it's not really for people to come out unscathed from hypnosis..."

   I could barely hear Camila over my staunch focus on the deceptively informative papered board. A knowing ache shot through my head as eyes remained glued to what was suddenly the most interesting puzzle piece. I moved to soothe the pang on my temple I had had for a week now when two recent memories came crashing so hard, I was almost literally knocked off my feet.

"Beth!" Rav had rushed over to catch me mid-stagger. "What's wrong?"

   I squirmed from his hold to snatch a distinctive picture from the board with much force, nearly ripping it in the process.

"Hey!" Camila snapped, after failing in her attempt to snatch it from me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Guys." I said, the energy surging through indescribable. "What if what we saw in school was merely an aftermath of the placement? What if it had already been done?"

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