Chapter 20.

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   Mum wasn't home, thank God. The last thing I needed was the waterworks coupled with emotional head smacks and shoe throws from her that I'll have to awkwardly elude for coming home late.

   This loneliness in my home gave me the opportunity to gaze around when I had been born and bred like it was the first time. I was currently standing in a small kitchen with just enough room to accommodate a medium sized table with two chairs.

   The living room was spacious enough to accommodate three mini couches and an ancient coffee table at the centre they formed.

   The two bedrooms and one bathroom could be found upstairs as well as the miniature attic that led to the roof.

   And of course the tiny garage/laundry room turned into my recreation/comic book room.

   I hated myself for believing how this was not going to be enough for Dorian, Aarav and Camila. They were probably ecstatic to get a glimpse into the life of the underprivileged scholarship student like the other Zavolonians for all the wrong reasons.

   After definitely thinking they were good people because they felt sympathy for me, they were going to back to their Avenger Headquarters-like houses for homes and get to talking about how my situation made them feel.

   They were probably going to compare my house to those they had only seen on the news or really old newspapers. It was just really upsetting to think about—

   The knowing creak of the kitchen door broke my train of thought.

"Honey! My welcome kiss, dear? I'm waitingggg!" Talise announced as she walked through the kitchen door.

   For once, I wasn't adverse to the 1950s male voice impression Tali had nailed just like the many others she could do.

"Beth-whoa! Okay." Her tone switched to shock when I suddenly rushed over to give her a huge hug.

   Clinging unto her with all the force I could muster would've been a surprise to even me on any other day. I couldn't ignore how this time, however, she remained one of the few things that was relatively normal in my life. She represented every situation that wasn't crazy or alien-infested.

"What's the occasion?" she chuckled as we pulled away.

"You haven't come over in a week." I shrugged. "You kind of asked for it."


"So what's new?"

"The reason I've been swamped this week," she replied. "Principal Glenny has finally understood what a waste detention is and knows the uselessness of a suspension. Since I've not done anything expulsion worthy, he can't bark up that tree so he made a decision believed to make my 'abilities' productive. I'm officially a member of one of Rigdeton High's school clubs."

"But they all suck!" I laughed. "I spent less than a week in the scrabble club."

"Don't remind me." She grumbled.

"Dirty words earned you more points." I shook my head.

"I'd still pick that over the debate club though. Those snobbish airheads." She scoffed. "Anyway, the AV club was full and glee club is just...ugh."

"So which didn't you find repulsive enough to be a part of?"

The ignited sparkle in her eye at my question instilled sinister chills down my spine. Was I sure I could handle whatever her response may be?

"My very own!" she cheered, jumping up and down. "I mean, he didn't say I couldn't."

"You're not breaking any rules as far as I'm concerned." I agreed.

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