Chapter 28.

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"Judging by the way the Yunies were already ten steps ahead of us, our drones wouldn't have even made it past the woods," I began. "But a person could. Still can."

"No, the Yunies are the only ones who have access to Zavlon Academia as we all know right now." Rav piped in from the unintentional circle the four of us had formed. "As great as an insider would be, we have to be realistic Beth."

"We could put on the most elaborate disguises and still be not only unable to get into Zavlon, but get caught as well." Dorian shrugged.

"He's right," Camila added. "Zavlon's walls remain sealed to everyone who isn't a Yunie or mind controlled."

   Thanks a lot for the faith in my idea... jerks.

   Was there even a point to the agreement we'd just made where anyone who wanted to listen to my plan had to be less of a killjoy?

   I refused to let this dampen my mood though. Especially since it would only make rubbing it in their faces ten times better when they heard what I had to say.

"Not everyone." The grin was impossible to conceal even as I shook my head. "Not the Visitors."

   Three faces were sudden to a common shade of pale when realisation finally kicked in.

   Ten times better, I tell you.

   I, on the other hand, was still trying to tone down the overwhelming effects of adrenaline pumping through me after sharing my idea.

   For many years now, Zavlon Academia had held the event known to many as Visitation Day. On a particular day of every week, a selected number of people—The Visitors—were invited to interact with students and staff, while exploring the lessons and facilities the school had to offer. These Visitors were not only given a detailed display of Zavlon, but full access as well.

   Visitation Day was our way in.

   For once, the memory involving my Zavlon orientation tour months ago didn't trigger any feelings of resentment. I never thought I'd be glad that the school hadn't abided by their initial promise to make my orientation tour a personal one. Who knew merging Mum and me with the visitors instead would eventually come in handy?

"But wait," Camila dispersed our circle with waves of her hand. "Visitations to Zavlon should be cancelled. The Yunitides wouldn't want to draw any attention."

"Think about it though, there has never not been a Visitation Day. Cancelling it now would give Zavlon the amount of attention the Yunies are intent on avoiding." I dug through my bag to fish out my phone, scrolling through a bookmarked page I didn't think I'd ever need till now. "Which is why a visitation occurred just last week."

   I held up my phone for Rav, Camila and Dorian to get a view of Zavlon's official website. Their eyes grew bigger as they leaned in further to peer at the school's recent activity on its page.

"They've been active this whole time?!" Rav gasped, taking my phone into his hands. "How were you able to figure it out? Also, they're aliens, how are they able to pull off being so normal? This was never mentioned in the Alien Studies textbooks."

"Well, last week consisted of me constantly stalking the school's page whenever I found myself questioning whether this mind control craziness truly occurred," I remarked. "I'd always be reminded by going to Zavlon Academia's website and seeing how very active it still was. If you keep scrolling, you'll see the pictures of the visitors that the school usually posts at the end of the week after Visitation Day. There's even a few Liberation Week posts as well! None of the students though."

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