Part thirty

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The ducks woke up early that morning to get to the airport. Alarms beeping and bags being hastily packed. Coach made his rounds knocking on dorms telling everyone to get up.

Russ waited outside by their van yelling and hugging goodbye to his friends before they got on the van. He was glad for the experience he got and was going to miss his team. Averman's stupid jokes. Dwayne and his dumb country accent. He would never tell Dwayne this but his puck handling skills were lit.

Laughter filled the van as they drove cheering that they won. A lasting joy settled over all the kids and coaches alike. The rolling of the car and muffled voices over her music was enough to put Irene asleep. Listening to the hum of the car as she closed her eyes.

She didn't sleep long. When she awoke from the shuffling and grabbing of bags they were at the airport being rushed by Miss Mackay not wanting to miss the flight back.

The teens all piled on to the plane after getting through baggage check. The team spread out throughout the rows of people. Julie ended up being stuck between a talkative averman and a snoring lady.

Just to her luck once again she was paired with Dean Portman. Coach thought it would be best to put his players next to the same player they came to L.A with.

The flight back was an awkward one. Subtle glances at each other, lingering on the lips they kissed the night before. Fingers itching to interlock in comfort but refused.

The silence that fell over the two broke with a click from the intercoms.

"This is your pilot speaking, on board we have very special guests. Will everyone give a round of applause for the junior goodwill champions, team USA!" 

The plane erupted in hoots and hollers, clapping echoed along the metal walls for everyone to hear. The team shared confused but proud looks on their face while Mr. Don Tibbles had a knowing look on his face. Gordon raised his eyebrows at the man sitting across from him and chuckled.

The plane shook and jerked around as it took off for flight. Neither teen noticed as her hand carefully slipped into his without hesitation, the feeling that it was meant to be there all along. 

Up in the clouds irene got some much needed sleep. Her head rested on Dean's shoulder and closed her eyes.

When she woke up Dean was looking at her with a wishful look on his face.

"About last night-" he began but Irene stopped him.

"We should be friends."

She knew she shouldn't have said it as she immediately regretted it but deep down she knew it was for the best no matter how bad it hurt either one of them. Irene wasn't one for commitment and the thought of caring for someone other than herself scared her. All her life she never had to do that besides for Kai and Fulton but that wasn't like what she felt for Dean.

What she felt for Dean confused her, it gave her butterflies and he always occupied her thoughts. Even when they argued she knew they didn't mean it. He always managed to make her smile even if it was a smile that tugged at her lips when she glared.

Irene closed her eyes for a moment so she could avoid the hurt look on his face.

"What if I don't want to just be friends?" He asked barely a whisper, so light she almost missed it.

If she was drinking water she would have spit it out at that moment but instead she just looked at him in shock.

"What?" She heard him the first time but couldn't help but wanting to hear it again.

"What if I don't want to just  be friends?" He said again but with a slight force to it.

"I- uh I gotta pee." She stood out and pushed his legs out of the way, walking gently by the sleeping woman sitting next to Dean, who before that point she didn't notice.

Irene walked down the cramped airplane lane and to the bathroom. Quickly she opened the door and stepped in. Even though the smell made her nose wrinkle and the room felt like the walls threatened to close in on her it was better than her other option.

"Come on Irene snap out of it." She whispered to herself looking in the mirror.

She took a deep breath and fixed her hair, smoothing it down from her nap. She tried putting on a fake smile but it didn't work so she stuck with her usual blank expression.

Irene groaned and willed herself to get out of the plane bathroom.

Once back from the bathroom she sat down and put her music on so she wouldn't have to think about what he said.

The rest of the flight was in silence, a heavy awkward silence.

Everytime Irene saw Dean from the corner of her eye she saw him looking at her and quickly looked away.

Eventually she fell asleep and when she woke up the sky was falling, clouds got farther up and the ground got closer. Clouds seemed to fade away like smoke and the airport was no longer a blurry blob.

Wheels hit the ground and the plane shook. It came to a stop and everyone started to get their things.

Irene grabbed her backpack and stood up next to Dean. The two made it down the aisle, passed the rows of seats and out the door.

They all sat in the hotel lobby much like when they first arrived. The ducks got picked up by their parents and went home while the other five were to stay at a hotel.

Just like the day they all met they were handed room keys each to a single bedded room for a week stay. 

Wheels dragged across the carpeted hallway as the teens all made their way to their room. Just like the day they all met Dean and Irene had a room right next to each other.

As Irene flopped on her bed Dean's words rang through her head.

"What if I don't want to just be friends?" 

She groaned and stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. Why did feelings have to be so complicated?

Irene didn't know what to do about Dean. She knew something was there but was afraid. Of course she liked kissing him, liked him and that's what scared her.

Word count: 1096

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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