Part nineteen

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The team crowded around their bench chattering amongst one another, talking about their lack of coach. Gordon Bombay was nowhere to be seen.

Irene stood with worry. Where was he when the team needed him? Without a coach they'd have to forfeit, one game away from losing a game and they'd go home. All because their lousy coach couldn't be bothered to show up

Charlie looked around his eye landing on the opposite team's bench. They were huge, tough players whose coach was giving them a game plan.

"This is unbelievable." Irene muttered under her breath.

The talking came to an end when Don Tibbles leaned over the railing to talk.

"Hey team, we are going to do great today right?" He asked but then paused looking around for Coach Gordon Bombay.

"Where's Gordon?" He questioned, wondering the man's whereabouts.

"You tell us."

"I don't believe this." Mr Tibbles shook his head as a ref skated up to the bench.

"Team USA. I'm sorry without a coach behind the bench you'll forfeit the game."

"But you can't do that." Adam said and everyone murmured in agreement.

"We have one."

Everyone looked at Charlie confused before realizing what he meant.

"Miss mackay!" He called out before nudging Irene, "your quicker go ask her to be our coach." He whispered and Irene did as he asked.

Stepping out of the bench she skated as quick as she could getting the tutors attention.

"Hey Irene What's wrong?"

"Please pretend to be our coach, we can't forfeit, it's our last chance or we're out." She said, too quick for the adult to comprehend.

"Slow down Irene."

"Sorry sorry. We need to to be our coach just this once. Bombay didn't show and well have to forfeit if you don't."

"But I don't know anything about coaching." She said.

"Please! We can't forfeit Miss Mackay."

Michelle Mackay nodded, understanding what she needed to do as the referee skated over.

"She's our coach, miss mackay." Irene said glancing up at their tutor and back to the referee.

She climbed up on the boards and yelled, "what are you waiting for, the ice to freeze? Go play!"

The ref looked conceived and skated away.

Irene sat on the boards the first minutes of the game sitting next to Dean Portman.

Dean looked at Irene who still seemed annoyed at him for interrupting her date, she really knew how to hold a grudge over the smallest things.

"What do you want Portman." She said bitterly.

"Hey chill sunshine. I was just if you knew where coach was, since he was your uncle and all."

Irene sent him a glare. "How am I supposed to fucking know?"

Dean taken aback by her sudden colourful language stuttered. "I- I just thought since- never mind. Forget it." He said and looked away.

She couldn't help but stare at him with guilt. She knew she was being rude like she'd been since the first day they met, but the coach not being here put her on edge.

Sunshine - Dean Portman - The mighty ducks 2 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ