Chapter 36.

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Caleb's POV.

I hate driving. Well, sometimes at least. Matter of fact, I only hate driving to the airport. Fuck that shit. This is the shit that makes no fucking sense and because of that, no one knows what they are doing which only adds to my frustrations.

"I better get paid for this shit," I immediately spout as soon as the door opens. Nina slides into the passenger seat, giving me a look as she does.

"Ask your mother," she jokes and closes the door, I immediately start making my way out of this hell hole. "But thanks for coming."

I sigh, can't be mad at her for too long. "You're welcome."

"Where's Ensley?" She asks and my heart clenches. "Mom said she was gonna be here too?"

I bite the inside of my cheek and try not to think of the girl that has had my insides spinning for the last two days.

Ever since Hardin came over and punched me in the face, I have felt like shit, and not just because my face is bruised. I can't pinpoint the exact reason for my shitty feelings, but it most likely has to do with what Hardin said as he was leaving. At the time I didn't believe him, didn't give myself time to, because I was so pissed at her. After putting my fist through my wooden dresser I thought I would be able to think clearer after that, but I couldn't so instead I drank more until I passed out.

I didn't go to school the next day because of a killer hang over, but that proved to be the worst idea because I was left alone with my thoughts of her instead. There were times that I just wanted to pick up my phone and call her, or drive over to her house, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I am a coward.

The only reason I didn't go to school again today was because I just didn't feel like it. I couldn't bring myself to see her - or Jeremy. I want to fuck him up so bad, but I don't need Ensley hating me even more than she does now.

After Hardin coming over, I hadn't put much thought into what he said about Jeremy being a liar. And to be completely honest, I don't want to. It hurts to much to think about what I said to her that day, let alone if it was out of pocket because she really didn't kiss him.

"She had plans," I clear my throat, reaching to turn the music up, but Nina slaps my hand away. Fuck.

"Caleb." Well shit, there goes the mom tone. Sometimes she reminds me too much of my mother and I hate it.

"Yes?" I sweetly respond, trying not to be an asshole because it is her first night back. Tomorrow maybe, but not tonight.

"Mom told me." I don't even spare her a glance. The fuck is my mom spouting about my business for? Damn, nothing is sacred in this family.

"I am sure she did," I respond through gritted teeth. My dad is a fucking traitor for telling my mom, and my mom is a traitor for telling my older, more intelligent sister.

"What happened?" She asks, why is she always so nice? I wish she wasn't.

"I don't want to talk about this." I distressingly run a hand through my hair and try my best to keep myself focused on the freeway in front of me and not on the beautiful brunette that occupies my every thought.

"It might help if you do," she persuades. "Plus, I promise I won't tell anyone. You have my word."

I glance at her and she looks as honest as can be. No one will ever know this, but my sister is by far the person I trust the most. I would sell my soul for that girl.


"Do you love her?" She asks, as sweetly as possible.


Relationship With My Best FriendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz