Chapter 15.

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Oof that is all I have to say ;)

Just like planned, Caleb comes to pick me up at my house around nine with Hardin in the backseat. While I am super pumped and excited and hyper, the other two seem to be slightly less...happy. I don't know if happy is the word to use, they just look very deep in thought and aren't saying much which is strange. Usually they never stop talking on the way to parties and I am the one sulking in the back seat.

Seems we have switched roles. While I don't necessarily care, it is something to take note of.

"Get in the spirit guys!" I shake both of their shoulders as we pull up to the house. Might as well try while I can I suppose. "It is your favorite time of the week."

Caleb smiles faintly and Hardin shows similar expressions. Well, now they can't say I've never tried.

I walk behind Caleb and Hardin into the house and they lead me to the drinks first. I don't even have to tell Caleb what I want before he is making it and finally handing it to me. Usually I would go with Pepsi and captain, but since I see a makeshift alcoholic punch, I decide on that. I obviously am not a big drinker so anything that covers up the brutal taste of hard liquor is my cup of tea.

"Thanks," I smile and take the cup from him with a smile. Even though he returns the smile, it definitely isn't like his usually one and now I feel compelled to ask what is wrong. "What's going on?"

"Hmm?" He asks, looking back at me from wherever his eyes had wandered off to behind me. I furrow my eyebrows and look in that direction, my eyes catching sight of Chantelle peaking over here. Of course.

"Never mind," I snap, not meaning too, but also not being able to help it. Here I though there was something wrong with him but it is crystal clear that there isn't. If his staring contest with Chantelle was any indication.

"What did you say?" He questions again, a little more stern than last time.

"Forget it," I shake my head and sip my drink. He grabs my arm gently, his eyes assertive in his attempts to get me to spill what I had said.

Too bad he should've listened the first time. Not my problem.

"Ensley." There's the way he says my name again. And once again my stomach turns into a ball of knots regardless of my efforts for it not to happen.

Luckily, one of my friends comes up to me to interrupt the moment and I could not be more grateful. Caleb disappears at some point while I am talking to Shannon. Ellie has casually joined the conversation as well and I am having a pretty good time just talking to them when I spot Jeremy in the corner with his friends.

"I'll be right back," I tell the girls and head over to the blonde haired boy that has won my attention. "Hey."

He smiles at me, a wicked smile that I can't seem to get enough of. "Hey, I was wondering when you would notice me gawking at you."

I giggle. "How long were you over here for?"

"Long enough to see you and Caleb's heated conversation," He indicates and takes a swig of his drink. I can't tell if he is jealous or not, but whatever it is there is a hint of something in his words.

"So a pretty long time, huh?" I don't feel like commenting on the part about Caleb and me, because that is my best friend so there really isn't anything to say.

"Not that long," He shrugs and smiles. "Come here."

He pulls me to him and touches his lips to mine in a quick little peck. I hope no one saw that, though on the other hand I don't really care if they did. I grin up at him, getting on my tip-toes to kiss his nose.

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