Chapter 38.

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Song: Coming For You by Katie Garfield

"Ensley?" I turn around only to be met with Nina Mathews, Caleb's older sister.

Shit. I forgot she was coming home today. This is embarrassing.

"H-hi," I smile, awkwardly waving. I have no clue what to say right now, or what to do, I wasn't expecting this outcome. "Sorry, I know it is late."

She waves me off. "You don't have to apologize, I was just in the living room reading."

I nod, wiping my hands on my sweatpants as I suddenly feel very flustered. I look down at my shoes, trying to figure out what I should do next. 

"Caleb's not here." She breaks the silence finally and I look up at her. He isn't here? Where is he?

"Oh." I feel my cheeks get hot. 

"Yeah," she seems apologetic. For what? I have no idea, it isn't her fault that I am a dumbass and drove here just for Caleb to be out doing god knows what. He wouldn't be taking my silence as a rejection would he? Would he hook up with someone? I need to stop thinking of the worst possible scenarios, it is quite possible that he is just hanging out with Hardin or something. "Why don't you come inside."

I want to reject the offer, but the way she looks so sincere makes that option almost intolerable. Nina Mathews is probably the sweetest girl I have ever met, and I can't imagine shooting down her hospitality just for my own selfish reasons.

"Okay," I softly agree and she smiles, leading me into the warm house. I hadn't even noticed how cold I was standing outside until feeling how toasty it is in the home. 

Nina leads me over to the couch in the living room, and I briefly notice the half open book on the table that she picks up and closes. She sits down on one end of the sofa, patting the spot on the other end as an invitation for me to join. I take off my large winter coat, shoes and hat first before making her company.

"So," she pulls her legs to her chest, grinning at me. "What have you been up to? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while."

I giggle and mimic her position. "Nothing really, just the usual. I am sure my life is no where near as exciting as your Chicago lifestyle, how is that going?"

"It's...different," she tells me. "I feel like I got used to such a routine here in Michigan, living with my parents, then moving to a different state and being on my own is so strange. Don't get me wrong, I love it there, the city life is definitely my style, but sometimes I still find myself feeling unsure."

I nod along with her, completely entranced with her words. Nina lives a life I could only dream of living, but her getting into Loyola is nothing like me. I am no where near as smart as she is.  

"Braylee and Candice visit a lot, though, which is good," she tells me, a smile taking over her face at the mention of her friends. Braylee is their cousin, the daughter of their Uncle Jackson and Aunt Brittni. Her and Nina have been best friends since they were born - from what I hear. "Sometimes all you need is a bit of home to make somewhere feel like home. Or at least that's what my therapist tells me."

I laugh with her. "It is a good thing you have them, they seem like really good friends."

"They are," she laughs lightly and fidgets with her fingers. "So are yours."

I smile.

"How is Hardin?" She asks, seemingly cheeky about it. I can tell she wants to ask me about Caleb. 

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