Chapter 12.

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"I just don't know if he feels the same way about me like he did when we first met," Chantelle pouts, the girls going to aide in her self pity.

This is why I don't have girl friends; thank you Hardin and Caleb.

"He's probably just going through something," Daniella coos, tucking a piece of hair behind Chantelle's ear.

Or he really just doesn't feel the same way...has that occurred to anyone?

Anyways, I decide to blur out their pointless conversation because Jeremy is looking awfully sexy across the cafeteria. I feel the blush creep onto my cheeks as he stares me down intently before winking.

Oh gosh.

Luckily the bell rings to dismiss us into our next class. I go to try and find Jeremy when a large arm swings across my shoulders. The familiar Polo cologne hits my nostrils and I want to roll my eyes.

"Hey babe," he purrs and I jab him in the rib cage, which are caked with layers of muscle.

"Do you have anything better to do than to bug me?" I ask my bestest friend in the whole world who annoys me more than anything else.

"No," he shakes his head and I laugh. "I have no other friends you know."

"Oh is that right?" I raise my eyebrows, knowing he's a filthy liar. Caleb Mathews is friends with everybody, I don't think there is one soul in this building that dislikes my charming friend. While I know his true colors, other people see the sweet, intelligent Caleb Mathews.

"Unfortunately," he shrugs and leans his shoulder on the opposite locker to mine.

"Then do you want to know something?" I ask, my turn to turn on my lying skills. "You're a liar."

"Ensley," he deadpans and I smirk. "I don't appreciate that word."

"Caleb," I mock. "You are full of shit."

"Why am I friends with you again?" he asks, leaning in close.

"Not sure," I shake my head in fake curiosity. "Maybe because you secretly love me."

He seems to think for a second before smiling mischievously. "Oh, baby Ens, that is no secret."

Smooth talker.

I end up being late to my next class because Caleb likes to keep me from getting an education. Ever since Saturday night when we almost, uh, you know, there's not much that's happened. It is already Tuesday and he really hasn't acted like anything happened at all. That's good, I am not complaining, but it leaves me confused.

I still don't know what his intentions were because he has never acted that way before. Maybe it was the heat of the moment thing and he just wasn't thinking clearly. He must've realized his mistake and that is why neither one of us are going to bring it up ever again.

Jeremy and I have been talking over text a lot, and I cannot wait to see him again. Problem is, I don't know when that will be. He hasn't mentioned anything, but I'm not concerned, yet. Chances are he is just busy and I know it's hard for me to find time because Caleb is a little leech.

I am hoping it's soon though.

"Ensley!" Misses Mathews screeches and runs up to me, wrapping her arms around me. If I thought I was small, Nikki Mathews is twice as tiny compared to me. I am shorter, but she is by far skinnier. "Where have you been? I missed you."

"I missed you too," I laugh. "I've been...around."

She frowns. "I was beginning to think Caleb drove you away."

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