37. His Victories Pt. Five

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Final Exams: Izuku Midoryia and Katsuki Bakugou Vs. All Might

"This was a fun one to watch" Jiro said knowing Midoryia punched Bakugou during the fight.

"Yeah it was. It was so intense" Uraraka said.

"Midoryia did some heavy damage to All Might." Sato commented.

"But he had the weight restrictions on" Sero said.

"But that also meant he had to punch the weight of All Might and the weights combined. It was so manly seeing that" Kirishima wiped another fake manly tear.

"Alright, why don't we just start."

Midoryia went up to Bakugou ad he walked through the city.

"Kacchan, keep in mind, we're the Heros in this"

"Stop following me!" Bakugou yelled.

"If we keep going straight, we could run into All Might right away. We should take a detour" Midoryia suggested.

"Why should we run?" Bakugou asked.

"And this is why Midoryia always wins against Bakugou" Momo said with Bakugou just sitting there, grinding his teeth.

"We need a strategy" Midoryia spoke up.

"I'll just toy with him and when he's tired, I'll beat him"

"He did know he was fighting All Might right?" Kaminari asked.

Midoryia stopped for a second and then caught up to Bakugou.

"Who do you think All Might is? Even with the restrictions we can't win like this" When Midoryia caught up, Bakugou turned around, back handing Midoryia with his gauntlet.

Jiro squeezed Midoryia's hand as he reassured her its OK.

"Not cool bro" Kaminari said with many people agreeing with him.

"That is not the way a hero should act with his teammate despite what difference they have. Like Aizawa and Emi" Midnight teased Aizawa as he just groaned.

Midoryia laid on the road holding his nose. Bakugou just stared at Midoryia intensly.

"Dont say another word. Just because things are going better for you doesn't mean you should talk. It's pissing me off." Bakugou started walking again.

"I'm going to..." All Might wounded up, ready to punch

"Listen Kacchan" Midoryia reached out to Bakugou.

"I told you your isn't needed to pass..." Bakugou yelled

"This is why we can't have a real conversation!" Midoryia yelled back.

All Might punched the air, destroying the entire street, sending both Midoryia and Bakugou flying through the air.

"If you think this is an exam. You'll be sorry" All Might stepped through the dust in the air. "Come at me with everything you got"

"Yknow, you two sound just like a grumpy married couple" Sero chuckle.

"I'm going to kill you tape dispenser" Bakugou yelled, earning once again another slapped from his mom.

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