20. The Fourth Date

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Ochako Uraraka

"Yes!" Uraraka yelled excitedly.

"I'm just gonna stop acting surprise when you act like this when it's your turn"

Midoryia was currently on his way home from his job. No its not a pro hero sadly. It was just your typical minimum wage job as a barista. Sure it sucked. But it paid their bills.

"Midori didn't become a hero?" Mina asked.

"Nope. But his significant other did" Everyone looked at Uraraka knowing it was her date.

"I'm home" Midoryia yelled only to not get answer. So he went straight for the couch and plopped down with a sigh. There was only one thing on his mind. So he turned on the news to see an interesting broadcast.

The banner read "Pro Hero Uravity Takes Down Man Holding Store Hostage"

"Thats my girl" Midoryia smiled at the TV. Wanting to do something special for her. He got yo work right away.

"Knowing it's Uraraka, he's going to do something like he did with Fuyumi" Momo said. Todoroki just nodded.

After an hour of cooking and setting everything up, the door opened. A girl with brown short hair walked in. The place was dim and a few candles where around the place. There was even quiet music going on in the background

"Called it" Momo said as Kaminari handed her money.

"Izu?" She asked walking around confused. The smell of food overwhelmed her nose as she went further into the house. She was very familiar with the smell, it was katsudon.

"Guess who" a man said as he covered the girls eyes from behind. At first it shocked her, but she smiled.

"Hmm, I wonder. Is it my amazing fiance" she guess.

"How did you know?" Izuku laughed as he removed his hands. She turned around and kissed his cheek.

"I just had a feeling." Uraraka took a look around. "So what's all this about? It's not close to our anniversary. Or am I wrong" she started to freak out. Only for Izuku to laugh.

"Same Ole Uraraka" Iida commented pushing his glasses up.

"Yeah. I need to work on that" she said a blushing mess while looking away from everyone.

Once again, Midoryia was taking notes on how to properly go on dates. Now he figured out he didn't even have to leave the house at all for it to be a date.

"I saw the news today. I'm proud of you" Izuku said pulling her chair out. Uraraka just smiled and took her seat, Izuku pushing it in. "I'm sorry about it being katsudon since we had it yesterday. It was kind of the quickest thing I can make before you got back"

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