
It was one of those days where you just want to stay home. The weather was depressing, with no sun and rain, and to make it better, I had math test (which I sucked) and it was obvious that Lauren was mad at me. I don't know why she was mad. Maybe she wasn't even mad, but she pushed me away. It felt like she wanted me to go back with Vanessa, even knowing I kissed her because I wanted to. One thing I knew: I need to talk to her, but not over texts. I needed to sit down and talk. No kisses, no fights. Just wanted to appologize and tell her I didn't wanted Vanessa back. The math exam started and I only had Alex as my friend in that class. The final exam wasn't so hard as I expected to, so I didn't got nervous at all about it. Alex looked scared and I thought he was struggling to get the right answers, and as much as I wanted to give him the answers, I wasn't this kind of person, and he wasn't the kind of person that would accept it. After school, I talked a little bit about the exam with Alex and he sounded worried. I tried to help him as much as I could, but at the same time it was done and there was nothing we could do about it in that moment. I hadn't talked to Lauren all day long, but when I went to look for her, I saw Hailey and Robert so asked them where she was. She answered me "I think she went to Vanessa's house for the day, but she already left school". I thanked both and got inside my car. I had a plan in my head. I was going to Vanessa's place and wait outside for Lauren, cause I knew she would left about twenty minutes later and walk home. I got there and I saw Vanessa mom's car outside, so I knew they were already home. After the waiting part, I finally saw her leaving through the front door. I was on the corner of the street, so Vanessa wouldn't see both of us and suspect about something. When she saw me, she just started to walk faster and when she got close to me I holded her arm softly. "Please, just talk to me" I asked while she tried to walk. "Austin, I just-" she said when I told her "Just come with me please. That's all I'm asking you. Listen to me first and then you can walk away and never talk to me again". I let her arm go while she nooded with her head. I went to my car and opened the door for her, showing her to come inside. She did, and I got inside after her and started to talk.
"Look, I know it was stupid to text you that, but I just felt like I needed answers. I know it sounded like I'm a jerk, but that's not who I am. I don't like Vanessa at all, please just believe in me. I ruined your friendship with her and now-" she cutted me. "What? You didn't ruined our friendship. We're still friends, what are you talking about?". "I just... I started this situation by kissing you once, and it got into something bigger. I didn't wanted to do that, but I can't control myself anymore". She looked down and I could see a tear rolling down her eye. She wiped it away and looked at me again. "But you love Vanessa. I'm sure about that, Alex told me" she sighted. "Alex told you what? I never told him any of that. What did he said?" I asked her with the most confused look I had ever made. "Well, he told me you wanted to tell her how you felt, but you were scared so he asked me what he should've told you... You didn't said any of that?". I couldn't believe in those words. I couldn't believe that my best friend said that knowing I had feelings for her. He wasn't this kind of person. I didn't said any word to her back. I just turned on the car and drove her to her place. When we got there, she was so confused. "But Austin, just tell me-" she tried to say when I told her to go home cause it was starting to rain. She looked me in the eyes looking upset and a little guilty, maybe for telling me that. She went inside so I drove to Alex's home. When I got there, I knocked on the door and he answered it. "Hey Austin, what are you doing here?" and I replied "How can you be so fake? Why are you lying about me?". He looked at me surprised and I was really angry. "What are you-" and I cutted him almost yelling "I know what you told Lauren. Why you said I had feelings for Vanessa when you knew I didn't? Why are you lying? I just don't get it and I want answers". He told me to get inside. "Okay, so in the night you told me about how you felt about Lauren I called her cause I wanted to know how she felt about you. Instead of her name I said Vanessa, but I know it was wrong . I told her you started to have feelings with Vanessa and you wanted to tell her, and she told me that you needed to tell her you felt. I was going to tell you about it tomorrow, but I'm guessing you talked to her before. I'm so sorry Austin, I should've never done that without asking you first". I took a deep breath and realized how blessed I was to have friends like Alex. I said all those things about him in my mind and even to him and he was just trying to help me. It wasn't a really good idea tho, but I knew he was just trying to help me. I appologized and he accepted it, explaining to me how sorry he felt again. I told him it was okay and I went out of his house. I felt so good knowing it was just a misunderstooding, cause now the only thing I needed to do was tell Lauren about what happened, but to do that, I was going to need to tell her how I felt. I don't think I would be able to hold myself anymore, but first of all, I wanted to talk to Vanessa.


It was about 5pm when I got a call from Austin. Since we broke up, I thought it was weird to get a random call from him. I answered and after asking what's up, he told me to go outside on the park in front of my house cause he was there and he wanted to talk to me. I went outside and he was waiting outside his car. He guided me to a bench on the park and started to talk. "I need to tell you something. I know we have never been really close friends before, you know... But I wanted to tell you... That I wanna start to date Lauren". As soon as those words came out of his mouth I couldn't help myself from smiling. Even dating him before, I didn't had any feelings for him, and now that I was with Mathew, he was even more irrelevant on my popularity. I knew how Lauren felt about him, and even not being this kind of friend, I felt happy for her. It was a little obvious that they both had feelings for each other. I couldn't show any excitement about it, so I only said "I think it's a good idea, if you like her, go ahead. That's exactly what I said that day in the car". He sighted and asked me "But... Do you think she likes me back?". I looked at him with a face that showed my opinion and said "Really Austin?". Wasn't that obvious? Love is such a complicated thing. He smiled at the floor, and thanked me for helping him. I haven't done anything to be honest, but it's okay. We said goodbye and after getting inside the car, he thanked me again with a smile brightening his face. I went inside and since my parents were going out I invited Mathew over.


I Ain't Going Nowhere (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now