48. Bahrain Pt9

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Warning there will be some upsetting scenes in this chapter 

I didn't speak to Lando in the morning, I kind of avoided him. Once the cars were lined up on the track, Lando did his pre race ritual, he fist bumped everyone in his team, I thought he might have avoided fist bumping me but he didn't. "Are you ok after last night?" He asked doing up his race suit. 
"Yeah thank you again." I smiled.
"No problem." He then whispered. "What happened last night is forgotten, I don't remember anything except hugging you and leaving." He winked, I blushed. I thanked him once again before he went back to Jose to talk about a few things. I quickly wished George good luck before the race started, he was in P3. Charlotte and I headed back to the garage where we watched the race. 

It was 45 laps in and Lando made it to P4, whilst George was still P3. They had a 1.074 gap between them, it was close. Lando was beginning to close the gap between him and George, I didn't want to pick between the team and George, the person I was talking to. 

All of a sudden a bunch a gasps surrounded me, George had crashed. It was a bad one, he lost control of the steering wheel and crashed into the wall, small flames formed. My eyes began to water, a red flag was announced. I couldn't tell if he was ok or not, I heard Lando on the radio ask if he was ok, no one knew. 

That was it, my vision went blurry. I had passed out. I heard a bunch of voices around me, Charlotte being one of them. I woke up to Lando hovering over me, he looked worried. "She's awake." He told Charlotte. I began to sit up when he stopped me "You need to rest." I shook my head. 
"No I need to make sure George is ok." I said.
"He's fine, he's been taken to hospital." 
"Take this." Charlotte said passing me a tablet and water. I took it. Charlotte explained to me what happened. 
"Lando, you need to go up for your podium, the race director chose not to continue the race." Jon said walking in, I was now in Lando's room as there was no where else suitable for me to go. Lando looked guilty when he heard he had the podium. Lando left and a few minutes later I joined everyone else outside. The podium was short no one did a champagne spray as they wanted to respect George. As soon as the podium finished Lando and I did some press conferences before going to meet George in the hospital. 

George had a few bruises on him, he still smiled when we walked into his hospital room. "I'm sorry mate." Lando said.
"It happens, plus it's not your fault." George reassured him. "Are you ok? I heard you fainted." George said looking towards me.
"I'm fine. You shouldn't be worrying about me, are you ok though?" I began to cry a little, George took my hand and put it in his.
"I'm fine just a little sore, I'll be ok." He smiled, he lifted his thumb and wiped away a tear. 
"Um well I'll leave you to rest, hope you recover soon mate." Lando said leaving the room. 

George and I spent some time together before I had to go back to the hotel, George would be released from hospital first thing in the morning, which took some relief off my back. As I packed up my things to get ready to go home in the morning I got a text from Zak. 

Zak: Hey Y/n, is it possible we could talk?
Me: Yeah that's fine, where should I meet you?
Zak: Downstairs in the lobby in 5 mins?
Me: Yeah that's fine.

I wondered what Zak wanted to talk to me about, it may have been about my little faint earlier or how George was doing. I made my way down the stairs of the hotel into the lobby. Zak took me to a nearby sofa and sat me down. "Y/n I'm going to send you home for a few weeks." 
"Why?" I asked.
"Well Lando was concerned about you missing your parents and not spending enough time with them and you seemed stressed and you passing out today proved that."
"Honestly, I'm fine. I only passed out because I was worried about George and I call my parents all the time." I tried to reassure him, but I wasn't so confident. I was worried that Zak may reconsider my apprenticeship. I was slightly mad at Lando for telling Zak my problems but I knew why he did it. "Y/n I'd feel comfortable if you just took a few weeks off or as much time as you need."
"What about my apprenticeship?" I asked.
"You'll still have it when you come back, I can promise you that." He said. I agreed, I did need some time off, I know I had been a way for a while but I still had the apprenticeship bothering me and I needed this. 

I left early in the morning the following day and didn't get the same flight as Lando as he didn't want to wake up early. I texted him last night and made him aware that I wouldn't be at the MTC for a little while and he understood. 

Once I got home I packed a few bags and got ready to go home for a while, Zak made my parents aware I was coming home for a bit once I agreed to it. My parents were extremely happy when I got home and Molly immediately came over and gave me a massive hug. 

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