30. New years eve

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It had now been a few days since Lando and I last saw each other and that talk about our little snog session did not go well, and the worst part about it was that tonight was new years eve and I didn't want to leave this year on a bad note between Lando and I, so I had to sort it out ASAP*. I messaged Molly asking her if Lando was at home as I wanted to talk to him. 'Yeah he's here, want me to let you in when you get here?' She replied.
'Yes please, oh and please don't tell him I'm coming, I don't want him to bail. I'll text you when I'm outside.' I text back, I got a thumbs up as a reply. 

I drove quickly over to Lando's and messaged Molly once I arrived at Lando's house. She opened the door and told me, Lando and Max were streaming upstairs. I waited downstairs for a while hoping they would finish streaming but they didn't. I started to watch the stream seeing if they were close to finishing, they both were just spending their time chatting on stream. All of a sudden Max's expression changed on the stream "Look at that." Max pointed to the PC. 
"Why is she on here?" Lando mumbled, loud enough for the stream to hear. Max tried not to laugh but couldn't help himself, were they talking about me? "Look how sad Lando looks." Molly said. "Why is he sad?" I asked.
"Because of you. Him and Max had a chat and Lando's embarrassed that's why he was mad, now he thinks you're mad at him cause you haven't messaged him." Molly said.
"How do you know this?" I asked.
"Max told me." She smiled.

I was fed up of waiting and went upstairs, I walked in and knocked on the door. Lando looked upset when he saw me, Max was slightly shocked "Well um chat look it's Y/n!" Max said loudly, I quickly waved at the camera. I looked over to Lando and mumbled not loud enough for chat to hear "Please can we talk." He nodded and turned to the camera. 
"Right chat, I have work to attend too, Max will stay here to entertain you, I may be back in a bit. Bye chat!" Lando waved to the camera walking out.

We walked to his room and sat in the exact spot we sat the last time we were together. "I want to apologise." I said looking down twiddling my thumbs. "I shouldn't have left but I didn't know what to do." 
"You shouldn't apologise, it wasn't your fault. I thought you were mad at me though." He replied. "What? I thought you were mad at me." I laughed.
"No I wasn't, I just felt embarrassed, I felt rejected." He looked down.
"I didn't reject you, it's just you weren't sober and I thought you would hate me if anything happened. But I hate to say it, Lando this friendship thing is not going to work." 
"I agree but I don't want to stop being friends with you." Lando said.
"Neither do I but it's probably best if we don't hang out as much as we normally do." 
"Ok I'll agree on one condition." He said. "You stay tonight for new years as like a farewell but not." 
"Ok." I agreed. 

Lando headed back to the stream whilst I went downstairs to chat with Molly. "So how did it go?" She asked. 
"Fine, we agreed to keep a distance but still be friends." I said, she suddenly spat out her drink.
"What?! Why?! I thought you two would be like Romeo and Juliet." she whined.
"You do realise they die?"
"Yeah but they love love each other."
"In a friendship way, I love Lando but romantic, I like him. Anyway I'm staying here for tonight." 
"Ooooh good, that means you can stay up all night with Max and I." 
"Hearing you two snog each other for hours, yeah no thanks." I laughed.
"Ok fine, Lando can join." 
"I don't think he wants to listen to you making out either." I laughed. 

I got a text from Lando 'Hey can you come upstairs chat want to see you again 😂😅'
'Yeah sure lol' I quickly went upstairs and walked into the gaming room, Lando turned to face me "Ay chat here she is." Lando smiled. 
"Hello again everyone." I smiled and waved at the camera. 

Landossillysausage: Hey Y/n!
Gamergirlll: Hi!!!!
Bot: stop spamming!
Landonriss69: I feel like her and Lando have something going on...
Landoswifey: Hows that apprenticeship going? 
Maxsfurturegf14: Is max single?
Curlyfries123: Hey y/n, you're so pretty!
Maxloml: When are you guys going to golf again? 

I knelled beside Lando "Do you wanna sit?" He asked.
"No thanks, I'm ok." I smiled. We sat and chatted on stream for about an hour before ending the stream, we all headed downstairs and decided to have pizza for dinner. We all sat down on the sofa next to Molly "So what did you two talk about?" Max asked.
"Well um after today Y/n and I are going to keep our distance but still be friends." Lando responded. "Oh..." Max replied, I was sad about our mutual agreement but it was whats best, our relationship was inappropriate and unprofessional and we needed a little needed break from each other, well after tonight at least. Max and Lando went off to talk about 'men talk', both Molly and I knew exactly what they were going to talk about. 

Lando POV
Max and I went outside as he wanted a little chat, "Mate, I don't think keeping your distance from her is a good Idea." Max said.
"Well she suggested it, so if it's what she wants then I'm fine with it..."
"You're clearly not and neither is she and I bet you two won't last two months without hanging out."
"Well I'm going to have to see her, she delivers my meals and is my assistant remember?" I said.
"Well yeah but I mean hang out, out of work hours. Anyway does she know you fancy her?" 
"Well I haven't told her but it's pretty obvious..." 
"Look, this relationship is weird but I have never seen you this happy before. She brings out the real Lando, the Lando I remember before the fame before Formula 1." Max said.
"I know but you can't be friends and kiss and have feelings." 
"What's holding you back from telling her your feelings for her?" Max asked.
"Everything... the fact we work together, our age, fans, press. Max, I can't date her or anything." I said angrily and walked back inside. 

Y/n's POV
We waited until midnight and counted down, Max and Molly kissed whilst Lando had his arm around me on the sofa and placed a kiss on my forehead to which I kissed his check after. Max and Molly soon headed to bed after leaving Lando and I on our own, a song came on, 'I GUESS I'M IN LOVE by Clinton Kane' He stood up and held out his hand, I placed my hand gently onto his, a spark pulsing through my body when our hands touch. I put my other hand on his shoulder "Can I?" He asked looking towards my hips. I nodded, he gently placed his hand on my hip and his other hand intertwining with mine. "What a gentleman." I gazed smiling into his eyes. "What." He laughed softly.
"Taking my hand and asking permission to place you hand on my hip, I admire you for that." 
"I want you to feel comfortable with me." He smiled. "Even if it is just for a little bit longer." His smile fading. "We'll still see each other." I tried to make him feel better.
"Yeah but it won't be the same." He said, I placed my head against his shoulder, his head falling into the side of my neck. 

We took a few moments and gazed deeply into each others eyes. The song continued 'Butterflies can't stop me falling from you' I quickly leaned in and kissed him, he pulled me in closer not allowing the kiss to break. As the song came to an end, my eyes began to well up with tears, are lips broke away from each other, I kept my eyes shut with my forehead against his. Eventually I opened my eyes, I sniffled and pecked him on the lips. One. Last. Time. "Goodbye Lando." I sniffled leaving him, I couldn't turn around, if I did I would stay and go against our promise. I shut the front door behind me, got in the car and left.


Sorry about the Lando POV's kind of forgot them but bringing them back!

ASAP = As soon as possible

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