4. Moving out and moving in

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Two weeks after signing the contract I got the email confirmation about my apartment being ready and my keys arrived the following day. The day I signed the contract I told Molly everything and we agreed that she can come stay at the apartment whenever she likes. I started to pack up my stuff, there was about 20 boxes filled, I decided to leave my bed and old toys behind as I didn't need them anymore and if my parents missed me they would still have some of me there. I ordered loads of stuff off IKEA, loads of furniture that I would need. The boxes just managed to fit in the car at least we don't need to pay for a moving van. Just before I left I hugged Molly goodbye and as the car left I started to cry. The drive was long but not too long, I wasn't as scared as I was before, I felt ready.

When we got to the apartment we took the lift up, it was a massive apartment. Mum helped me unpack and dad set up my TV. Luckily my furniture arrived the same day, the bed was too big to put in the lift so dad and the delivery driver just managed to get it up the stairs. My mum worked on setting up the sofa and chairs whilst dad worked on putting the bed up and I worked on unpacking the rest of the boxes, after hours of unpacking and setting up we finally finished. As my parents were getting ready to leave they started to cry which didn't help as it made me cry. I stood and hugged them and told them whenever I get time off I will come and visit. I thanked them for helping me set up and they finally left. I texted Zak telling him that my whole apartment was set up and he told me that my uniform and key card were on it's way. I hadn't had my groceries yet they'd be delivered on Monday and it was currently Thursday, mum and dad gave me enough money for 2 months until I start getting paid. I walked to Tesco's as it was about a 10 minute walk, I got enough food to last me until Monday. As I was paying a familiar voice spoke "y/n?" I turned to see Lando holding two bottles of milk.
"Hey." I said enthusiastically. I was surprised he still remembers my name.
"Hey, I didn't realise you lived here yet." He said.
"I just moved in to my apartment." I said.
"That's great." He said with his contagious smile. After I finished paying we walked out to the car park together talking about what I would be doing for McLaren. "So this is me." He pointed to his McLaren. "Ah well this is me." I look down to my feet. "I can't drive yet." I said, he laughed.
"Get in." He points to the passenger seat.
"What." I laugh nervously.
"Get in, I'll drive you back to the apartment." He says.
"Are you sure I don't want to-"
"Y/n get in the car." He cuts me off. I get in, he looks at me.
"You care to much." He laughs.
"And you don't Mr Norris? Offering me a ride." I say jokingly.
"I'm just being nice, I like being nice." He replies.
"See you care." I say, I show him the way to my apartment. He parks the car up and gets out and opens the door for me, he grabs a bag. "You don't have to do that." I say.
"I want you to feel welcome at McLaren, I found it hard the first few months so I'm helping you." He says. We walk up to my apartment and I open the door, He carries the bag to the kitchen table. "Thank you." I said.
"You're welcome. It's nice here I like it, you've made it look nice. What's your Instagram I'll follow you." He said, I give him my Instagram.
"Thank you again." I say.
"Right I better get going, bye y/n." He says.
"Bye Lando." I say he shuts the door. I unpack the food and place it in the fridge. I lie on my new bed loving the comfort, at home I was used to a single bed but this is king size and so much more comfier. I go on my insta and see follow requests from Lando, Zak and Charlotte and some other people from the McLaren team, I accept them all but decide to keep private as I'm quite a private person. I get a call from Molly, she asks me how it is to be 16 and living on my own, I tell her it's great but it hasn't even been a day and I miss everyone. She told me about how she's been stalking Lando's Instagram and the amount of girls wanting to be his girlfriend. I'm surprised Lando's single considering how good he looks and his smile, I start to get lost in my thoughts and snap out of it when I realise I'm still on the phone to Molly. I told her how nice he is and how he's not just a different person to the camera, did I watch like 1000 youtube videos of him the past two weeks? Maybe. After talking to Molly I decided to make myself dinner just some simple fajitas. My parents called me making sure I was ok and to be honest it's hard to hear their voices as I miss them already. My parents told me that if I want Molly can come stay with me in my spare room just until college starts for her, I agreed and thought that would be a great idea. I called her back and asked and she was practically begging to come. She started to pack a bag for coming and my mum gave her money for the train ticket. After discussing the things we'd do when she comes up tomorrow, I decided to go to bed. 

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