7. The next few weeks

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"Hi, yeah I've got a few packages here for you, do you want me to bring them up?" The delivery driver asked. "Yes please." I buzzed him in. Two minutes later a knock on my apartment door, I opened it to see three boxes and a letter with the words fragile on all of them, I thanked the delivery driver and shut the door. I grabbed some (TW) scissors and opened the boxes. The boxes were filled with all the McLaren uniform, there was loads but Zak warned me that I will be wearing them a lot. I opened the letter it had a badge with my name on it, it was the key card that I would need to keep safe so I placed it in the drawer which I can lock just so I can remember where I would put it. I put all my new clothes in the spare area of my walk in wardrobe. Molly spent the rest of the day finishing her college work whilst I made a day and night routine for when I start working with McLaren.

Over the next few weeks Molly and I spent every minute together doing new things we enjoy, we even started yoga classes which always ended up in us getting told to leave because of our giggling. We even spent some time with Max whilst Lando was with his parents. Molly started having relationship problems with her boyfriend as they hadn't seen each other in a while but she didn't seem to miss him. Unfortunately after a few weeks of staying with me Molly's boyfriend broke up with her, not going to lie she seems somewhat relieved it was over. She wanted to do something about her "sadness" so I agreed that I'd have one drink with her.

I looked down at the cup of vodka and coke and I really didn't want to do it but Molly's my best friend so I did. I drank it and it only tasted of coke which felt better than a burning sensation at the back of my throat. After finishing it I became giggly and we agreed I would have only one more which turned into four more. Molly and I were pissed. We left the apartment and went on a walk we did a competition whoever falls over first has to buy the other person whatever drink they want and well I'm a champ and Molly fell over within two minutes. We walked around the streets of Woking laughing our heads off. Molly then had an idea to film us and put it on her private story on snap chat which only me and Max were on. 5 minutes later I get a call from Lando "Helop?" I say giggling.
"Are you drunk? Max showed me Molly's story" Lando says unimpressed down the phone.
"No I had like 5 dwinks. No I mean 1 dwink." I say giggling.
"Oh my god y/n where are you." He asks.
"Um I dunno. Oh my gosh are we lost?" I say to Molly whilst on the phone. Molly and I start to giggle. "I'm serious y/n where are you?" He says.
"Fine fine I'm in the shopping centre." I say.
"Ok Max and I are coming to get you." He says. Before I can say no he hangs up the phone.

10 minutes later I see Max's car pull up and Lando in the passenger seat, he doesn't look happy. Lando gets out and helps Molly and I into the car. Molly ends of falling asleep and the car drive is silent the whole way home. When we got back Max carried Molly up the stairs and I gave him my key. "Before we go up we need to talk." Lando says with a serious voice.
"Ok about what." I say trying not to slur my words.
"What you did tonight is dangerous, it's late and you could've been hurt. Some old man could've taken you." He says.
"Well an old man didn't take me you did." I say. I could feel myself starting to sober up.
"Why did you do it?"
"Because Molly was upset as her boyfriend broke up with her and she wanted to have fun so I obliged."
"Please don't do that again." He said.
"Fine I won't. I don't drink anyway."
"I'll believe that in like 5 years." He said. He helped me up the stairs to my apartment and got me into bed. "Hey, I know we still barely know each other but can you stay?" I asked him. "You don't want me to drink again do you?" I said.
"Y/n as much as I never want to see you drink again, I have to go home I have to be in early tomorrow." He said, I nodded my head and fell asleep.

I woke up to my head throbbing and Molly puking next door in the bathroom. I saw that Lando left some aspirin and water on my bedside table, how thoughtful. I took the aspirin and went back to sleep for a few hours. I woke up to a sound of loud banging on my apartment door luckily I felt better than I did earlier this morning and went to the door. "Hold on please I'm coming." I shouted from my room heading to the door the loud banging continued. "Oh my gosh will you please have some patience." I aggressively opened the door to see Lando with his cheeky grin staring at me. "Please bang on my door louder." I say, he laughs.
"Hello to you too." He says.
"How did you even get in the building?" I asked allowing him into the apartment.
"You gave the entry code to Max last night remember." He said.
"The only thing I remember was making wrong decisions last night so don't remind me." I said.
"Wait... have you only just woke up?"
"Yeah I woke up to your banging."
"Y/n it's like 6pm." Lando said.
"What no it can't be? Ugh I really slept for hours." I said. Lando laughed, Molly came in she looked really pale "Are you ok?" I asked.
"I've just been puking the last 12 hours." She replied.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.
"Cause you were sleeping and I feel guilty for making you drink."
"Do you need me to get you anything?"
"No thanks, I'm gonna try and sleep." Molly said walking away. Lando just came to the apartment to check up on us and left quickly after, it's sweet that he cares.

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