29. Starbucks

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I had thousands of texts from Molly asking where I was and if I was ok. I called her "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" She screamed down the phone.
"I've been at home and doing my tests, I told you last night." I said, she continued to scream and I could barely figure out what she was saying. "Molly I'm coming over." I quickly jumped into my car, excited to drive it but not excited about where I was going to go.  

The car was so easy to drive but the battery was getting low on it but there was enough to go to Lando's and then to a power station. As I pulled up to Lando's, Molly came rushing outside, I got out quickly worried about her screaming "Oh my gosh you passed? Well done!" She smiled, I stared at her confused. "You were literally screaming down the phone to me." I said bluntly.
"Oh yeah I forgot about our phone call last night, I was worried that something happened to you. Anyway can we go for a drive in a bit?" She asked, I rolled my eyes and nodded. I looked over towards the door and Lando and Max walked out, Max looked like a walking ghost and well Lando, looks like he remembers every bit of out heated make out session last night. I walked up to him being slightly hesitant "Hi Lando can we talk?" He nodded we walked inside, I looked over to Max who looked confused. "Um so about last night..." 
"What about last night?" He asked.
"You- you don't remember?" I asked.
"Well what I remember is I fell, you picked me upstairs and left. Nothing else happened." He said with a serious tone. "Wait are you pissed at me for leaving?" I laughed.
"You know what maybe it's best if you just go." Lando said. I wasn't in the mood for an argument and got in the car with Molly and left. 

I quickly went to a power station to charge my car and we sat and waited for a bit. "After this can we go get Starbucks?" She whined, I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Are you ok? Something seems off."
"I have something to tell you about last night." I mumbled, she stared at me for an answer.
"Well go on then I don't have forever." She demanded, I released a sigh of breath.
"Lando and I... we... we... we kissed again, but it wasn't just a kiss it was more like a snog* but I pulled away like 5 minutes in cause I remembered he wasn't sober and I left and now he's acting like it never happened." I whined.
"Hmm ok."
"OK? O.K?" I said loudly.
"Yeah I could tell something happened it was written all over your face and his, oh and he seemed pissed all morning." Molly said.
"Why though?"
"You left him, he's probably angry cause you left. Give him a few days and I'm sure he'll get over it but you're both attracted to each other so it was bound to happen." She said, we left and drove over to the Starbucks drive thru "What do you want?" I asked Molly.
"Caramel Frap please." I nodded and began to speak into the speaker.
"Hello!" I said politely.
"Hello, welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you today?"
"One caramel frap and an iced mocha please."
"OK is that all for you today?"
"Yes thank you." I said before driving round to the first window. I payed with my card and grabbed the drinks, Molly let out a loud screech of excitement. "So when do you plan on going back home?" I asked, leaving the drive thru.
"What are you fed up of me yet?" She laughed.
"No of course not, I love spending time with you, I just want to know."
"Well I go back to college on the 5th and I want to spend new years with Max, so probably 2nd of Jan, I don't want to go home I would love to stay but I can't, I've been looking for full time jobs that will take me but there's not many options open due to my age." Molly said.
"You could look for 2 part time jobs but where would you stay?" I asked.
"Well Max is moving into an apartment so..."
"Wait are you considering moving in with him?" I laughed.
"Yeah why are you laughing?"
"Molly, you're 16 and your planning on moving in with your boyfriend." I said.
"Y/n what are you trying to say?" She started to get angry.
"I'm just saying it's a bit soon don't you think, you're still young and you've both just started dating." I said stating the facts.
"Ok fine I slightly agree, I have an idea, why don't I move in with you." She smiled like a five year old. "Woah woah woah slow down there. Molly the apartment isn't mine it's owned by McLaren, also you really need to think this through, leaving college for a boy..."
"It's not just for a boy it's for work too, I will find a job and start earning money." She said confidently. "Molly talk about it with your dad first."
"Fine." She sighed. "Is it possible for you to drive me home when I go back? Max will be starting to move out of Lando's." I nodded. I drove us to Tesco as Molly wanted to get some snacks for her and Max as they were going to have a movie night. As we walked through the aisles of Tesco I asked her "Do you think I should try talking to him again when we go back?" 
"Honestly, no, he was annoyed it took him until the afternoon to say hello to Max and when Max asked about you, Lando huffed so no don't like I said, give him a few days, he's a boy, he'll get over it." I took Molly's advice and decided to give Lando a few days to get over it. We went to the checkout before heading to Lando's, I dropped Molly off before driving home. 


Hey everyone, so I understand many people from different countries are probably reading this, so words that people may not understand I will put a * next too and then at the bottom I will put what it means just to help. I would also like to clarify something for those who may be slightly confused, You and Lando have NOT had sex the most you have done is made out extremely passionately. Like I've said before there will not be a sex scene I will just state when you've had sex.  

Snog = Make out/Kiss Passionately

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