Chapter 68

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(Sunday, July 24, 2022)


My peaceful sleep was disrupted by a pillow colliding with the side of my face. I woke up so suddenly that it made me sit up. I turned to look at Elizabeth who had a tired look on her face with her hair disheveled and everything. "Your goddamn phone has been ringing for the past hour, I love you but if you don't fucking answer it you're sleeping on the couch got it?" Elizabeth said angrily, scaring the shit out of me.

Regular non-pregnant Elizabeth was scary as it is, but pregnant Elizabeth? Jesus Christ, Sutur will cower if he faces off a pregnant Elizabeth. And just as I was about to answer my phone rings again, which pissed Elizabeth off more which made her throw said pillow at me. Me being me plus with the fact I had just woken up I didn't get to dodge it, "Answer your damn phone Y/N!" Elizabeth said sternly.

I hurriedly turned over to my other side and picked up my phone to see E.J calling me at 3 A.M, "What the fuck does this idiot want?" I muttered under my breath but I answered anyway.

I went out to the balcony to answer the call but not before giving Elizabeth a kiss on the head even though she's mad at me. I answered the call with no hesitation...

Y/N: Dude it's like three in the morning what the fuck do you want

I said while suppressing a yawn

E.J: Oh I'm sorry should I tell Claire to halt her Laboring body since it's too early for you?

Y/N: Yeah proba- What the fuck you mean Laboring?! She's in Labor?

I whisper shouted since Elizabeth was still resting.

E.J: Yes now, we're actually on the way to your house to drop off the kid's. Claire is doing ok but the contractions are there.

Y/N: Did her water break yet?

E.J: Not yet but hopefully we get to the hospital in time just before it happens

Y/N: Ok uh where are you?

I asked before going back into the room before going out into the hallway to check on Luna and Mateo, who decided to have a sleepover in her room last night.

E.J: We're right around the corner so you better get your ass out that door to get the kid's

Y/N: Did you call Mami yet?

E.J: Nope not yet, I wanted to give you the kid's first before calling her.

I got down the stairs and went straight towards the door.

Y/N: Where are you? You said you were- Oh never mind

I said into the call but stopped as E.J's car pulled up in front of our house, I hurriedly ended the call and opened the gate and went straight to the car. Claire rolled down her window and gave me a smirk, "Hey mama how you doin?" I asked jokingly before opening the backdoor to reveal a tired looking Martin with his bags on his back, blanket in one arm and stuffed toy for the other.

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