Chapter 55

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(Mandatory hello to everybody)

(Monday, February 14, 2022)


Ok you might be wondering 'Y/N its valentines day aren't you going to propose yet?' NO! But that would be a nice idea but no, I'm gonna propose to Lizzie on her birthday. Because today I'm gonna surprise her with a trip to New York for her birthday, we're gonna recreate the first time we met and our first date together. Minus the fancy shamancy restaurant shit cause we still don't like that, so all I had to do was plan a nice backyard dinner for the two of us plus Luna.

The Lil crotch goblin volunteered to be our Waitress for tonight but Little does she know that, I also included her in our little Valentines dinner.

I had just dropped Luna off at school, and I'm hoping that Lizzie was still asleep when I get home cause nothing beats breakfast in bed with a bunch of flowers. I know for a fact that Lizzie doesn't want something big, but I know deep down she wants me to be extra with the whole giving her gifts. Even though she insists that she doesn't want extravagant gifts.

Oh and I also have Mateo with me, he didn't really go home ever since he stayed at home. Crystal insisted that he stayed with me because she said she was getting weaker by the day and she was afraid that she might not get to take care of him properly. I also sent her a baby momma care package for today since I knew she was gonna need it.

"Which one looks better buddy?" I asked Mateo who was standing beside me admiring the flowers in front of us, he started to tap his chin with his finger as his eyes scanned over all the flowers. "That one!" He said pointing to a bouquet of pink tulips, "You wanna give that to mommy?" I asked him which made him nod excitedly. "Ok what about Momma Lizzie what do you want to give her?" I asked him again, making him do the same thing he did earlier. I looked up at the shop owner who was smiling at us just watching us.

"The wed ones" he said as he pointed over at the red tulips, "Great job buddy you know the color" I said praising the little shit while ruffling his head as I stood up. "A bouquet of Yellow tulips and One red ones that you have" I told the shop owner, she smiled at me and said, "Your son has good taste" I smiled and looked down at him as he was crouching admiring the sunflowers. "He got it from his mama" I said proudly as I looked back up at the shop Owner.

"You're total would be two hundred fifty dollars, also you have 2 free Cadbury bars" The shop owners husband said, he had a thick Italian accent. I smiled at him and payed him with $300 dollars as he was about to give me change I said, "Keep it, take it as a gift buy her something nice tonight" I told him quietly making him smile widely. "Thank you, I wish that you have a wonderful and beautiful life" he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder, I smiled at him till my attention was pulled away when Mateo started tugging on my shirt. "Mama I hungy" Mateo said as he gave me his puppy eyes which I haven't really gotten used to yet, so I'm still soft on him because of it.

"Man I literally gave you a whole PB and J sandwich and you finished half of mine, how are you hungry?" I asked in disbelief as I bent down to carry him into my arms, and he just shrugged as he started to mess with my hat. "Damn you... You really are my kid, you have the same appetite as your big sister" I said under my breath, "Hey uh can I come back to pick them up later I just need to buy some food for my son, if that's ok?" I asked the couple who were busy arranging the bouquets I bought. "Yeah sure, it's gonna take a while to fix this up so there's no hurry" The Lady said, I smiled at them and went out of the store to look for any random stall we could probably buy a quick snack from.

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