Chapter 21

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(Tuesday, October 5, 2021)


I am now a free man... Well, Woman... But I have a schlong sooooo, I don't know. Anyways it's been a week since I've been admitted into the hospital, my discharge took longer than expected since my stitches reopened, I do still have this thing wrapped around my head for like the gauze to stay in place. But other than that I've been good, Lizzie has stayed by my side 24/7, she helps me most of the time like going to the bathroom, eating, and cleaning my wounds. I don't know what we really are at the moment but, whatever we have right now. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I also now had a song in mind regarding the whole situation, and to be honest this shit bussin.

it was 10:15 I think, Lizzie went out to get us some late breakfast since we overslept, we already had everything packed. Most of it was Lizzie's stuff since I was wearing a hospital gown, but Lizzie did give me a pair of boxers every night to sleep in. Doctor Koracick did approve of my discharge today at around 12 so we had 2 hours left before I finally got to see my gremlin. I hadn't seen her since the incident, the kids weren't allowed in the hospital but I did facetime her every chance I got. The Lil shit misses her parents, she's been staying over at Mami's house and we're gonna surprise her later. She thinks she won't get to see me and Lizzie till tomorrow, but little does she know she's gonna see us 24 hours early.

I pressed charges against Vanessa, Michelle contacted my lawyers the moment she found out and told them what happened. Michelle and Lizzie didn't want to stress me too much so they handled it themselves. I offered to help but they insisted that I should just focus on recovering. My lawyers did say that Vanessa didn't have much against me, since I didn't physically hit her while we were 'fighting'. My lawyer also said that she could be charged with 2nd degree assault and with the destruction of private property, and if the judge does decide to just put her on a conditional discharge or something called a binding over. Lizzie and I agreed to request a restraining order against Vanessa, cause she's one crazy ass bitch.

Thank god I had security cameras all over the house, I gave my lawyers the video clips of what happened that day. Thank god I bought security cameras with built-in mics or else Vanessa could've easily turned the table saying something else, but you could clearly see that Vanessa was the one causing problems. I mean she was the one swinging the golf club around, not me. I don't know where Vanessa is right now but from what Lizzie and Michelle told me, she's in a place where she is definitely regretting what she did to me.

Right now I'm just watching T.V waiting for Lizzie to come back with our food. I guess someone got a hold of me being in the hospital because of an assault. It's still funny how they assume what happened and when you finally give a statement, their assumptions are completely far off from what actually happened. Like when I said I was a mother, when I first posted about Luna which was on her 1st birthday. The media had a frenzy over it, they assumed left and right who the other mother was and it was definitely funny. But we all know who the real OG baby mama is, Elizabeth Chase fucking Olsen.

I was flipping through different channels trying to find something entertaining to watch, and when I did It was the Avengers: Endgame and right smackdown in the middle where Clint and Natasha were fighting about who was going down the cliff. I immediately grabbed my phone, groaning in the process completely forgetting about my bruised up side. I called Scarlett to tease her about it, because before Lizzie's Character Wanda was introduced I was deadly in love with Natasha then she became my best friend in real life.

After everything (Elizabeth olsenXReader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin