Chapter 52

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(Attendance here buddies)

(Monday, February 7,2022)


So Lizzie has somehow forgiven both me and Luna, I guess we just have that Fuego charm running in our veins. But right now Lizzie and I were on the way to Luna's school cause we were dropping her off, Lizzie and I also had a few errands to run after dropping Luna off. So it was a win-win situation, Lizzie wanted to buy new maternity clothes since her old ones barely fit her any more. Since the twins were definitely growing, and we still needed a few things for the nursery. Lizzie wanted to be accurate since she didn't trust Amazon enough, in her words 'it was better to see it in person rather than through a screen'.

I mean it's the wife's orders. I can't really decline it, ESPECIALLY now that she's pregnant. Now we wouldn't want a redo of what happened a few days ago now do we? Both Luna and I are extremely scared of Lizzie, but with anyone else we're not as scared. Except it's Mami... Mami is an exception as well. European and Mexican women are the only people that scare Luna and I, more specifically Mami and Elizabeth.

"Ok bubba we're here" I said as I parked the car in front of the school, Luna groaned but got out of the car anyway. I got out of the car as well and walked over to Lizzie's side and opened the door for her so she could bid Luna goodbye, "You know we could just not drop me off and I could maybe tag along with the two of you today" Luna suggestively said as I helped Lizzie out of the car. I chuckled at what Luna said while Lizzie giggled, "As much as that sounds like a good plan bubba, you need to go to school" Lizzie said as she gave Luna a kiss on the head while giving her a hug.

"And don't you enjoy school? What changed?" I asked and Luna replied with a scowl, "We have a new social studies teacher and- Uh Mama can I curse?" Luna asked before continuing what she was about to say, I smiled and looked at Lizzie who just looked at me with an 'are you for real' face. "It's freedom of speech darling as long as it's not directed at someone it's honestly just a word" I told Lizzie before nodding at Luna to continue, "Yes you have my permission" I said.

"SHE"S DRIVING ME FUCKING INSANE!" Luna screamed surprising both Lizzie and I, Lizzie immediately clamped her hand down on Luna's mouth while I looked around if any of the other parents heard. Which thankfully they didn't, "Ok would you care to elaborate on that, preferably not screaming" I said while I gave Luna the 'eye' . Luna took in a deep breath and Lizzie took that as a sign to finally take her hand off of Luna's mouth, "She just pisses me off, and she's not saying the truth. She's teaching the white supremacist version of history and I hate it" Luna said while crossing her arms in front of her.

"Remember we don't hate, we educate" Lizzie said as she stroked Luna's hair, who just huffed in annoyance, "How can you educate someone who doesn't want to be educated Mommy, a monkey is smarter than her for god's sake" Luna said while rubbing her forehead in frustration. I couldn't help but chuckle at how much this was really bothering her, "You know what I'll just let it slide but if she pulls out the white supremacist card again, I might just cut a bitch" Luna said as she walked off suddenly leaving both Lizzie and I stunned. The Lil shit didn't even say goodbye to me or give me a kiss, "she definitely got that from you, the duality is- wow, on point" I said as I turned to look at Lizzie.

"I am not like that" Lizzie said turning towards me, "You literally smacked me when I was teaching you how to play the piano, and you said I was the one doing the wrong thing, then admitted I was right when you finally did it correctly" I said in a duh tone. Then Lizzie just grinned at me and said, "I don't remember doing such a thing, now help your pregnant baby mama" Lizzie said as she held out her hand for me to take. I helped her to get in the car again so we could be on our way to buy everything we needed.

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