Chapter 29

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(Attendance here besties!!)

(Monday, November 1, 2021)


I woke up very dazed and confused, but right now I was having coffee in the kitchen. Lizzie and Luna were still asleep as usual, last night was definitely something. So why don't we pick it up from where we left off...

---(Sunday, October 31, 2021, 8:30pm)

Caribbean BadGal👅:

She's yours... 


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I stared at my phone in shock, what the fuck... I could've sworn I wore a condom when we did it...

You see me and Ms. Fenty have history, before Vanessa and I got together I had a thing for the Caribbean queen. Let's just say I'm the one who pushed her towards my boy ASAP, but that was after we had a thing. We both decided to just stay friends since it was a better fit, but before Vanessa and I got together... Ms. Fenty was my friend with benefits... up until I met Vanessa again. Robyn and I did have a parting gift for when we both decided to finally let go of our hoe phase and stay friends, we had a 7 day sexcapade in Barbados...

My phone started buzzing and I looked down and saw Robyn calling, I shakingly picked it up and Immediately got up from my seat. and went to the far corner of the backyard to answer the call. I looked down at the unanswered phone that was still ringing, I was scared to even answer it. Did I really have another kid?

Y/N: Hello?

I shakingly asked.. Then I heard something that didn't help at all.

R: Hey Dumbass, did I scare you?

Y/N: What?

I asked because I was honestly lost.

R: She isn't yours, That's my niece I just wanted to scare you, Happy Halloween bitch.

Robyn said in her thick accent.

Y/N: Jesus christ Robyn don't do that shit to me, I would've gotten my ass handed to me on a silver platter if someone accidentally read that.

Then I hear from the other end a burst of roaring laughter, coming from Fenty.

Y/N: It's not funny dude I almost shat myself

R: All right I'm sorry, damn I wish I was there to see your face, that would've been priceless.

Y/N: Whatever Fenty, Fuck you for giving me a heart attack. I'm not doing a song with you ever again.

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