All i could ask ch.31

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Later that night after Carlos finished the case he booked his flight so that way he would be in by the time Tk would get up around he packed his bags and headed to the airport

Carlos got in at 6 in the morning he left his suitcase downstairs in the closet to deal with later all he wanted to do right now was fall into the hands of his husband and kiss his kids Carlos headed upstairs into the girls room seeing the sleeping with buttercup guarding there bed before closing the door again he headed down the hall Tk and his room

Carlos got changed into some sweats and a T shirt he got behind Tk wrapping his arms around him Tk woke up turning his head to Carlos " hey your home early how'd it go did you pass ?" Tk whispered kissing his husbands cheek " I told them I'm not taking the position ..." Carlos said stroking Tk's face " what why ? " tk asked turning facing Carlos " I saw the way you looked when I said I had to go .. being a detective would mean I wouldn't be home as much to help with the kids and we couldn't work together or have the same shifts and days off -." Carlos said stroking his hair "Carlos I told you I got the kids you were so happy about doing it .." Tk said looking at Carlos he didn't want to get in the way of Carlos's dream " I know but I don't wanna be that dad or husband that's not around being a paramedic was better for you because it was less risky being a Cop is better for me I get to be with my family .." he said kissing Tk's head "I feel bad .." Tk said sitting up
"Hey no I choose to do it maybe when the kids are older but right now I'm happy with where I'm at where our family's at and that's all I could ask ." Carlos said

"Whatever you say cowboy ." Tk laughed " that was your doing !" Carlos said as Tk laughed uncontrollably " I mean they couldn't just call you Reyes that's for me only .." Tk smirked " whatever you say Tyler Kennedy .." Carlos teased " I will take away that privilege." Tk said " I love Tyler Kennedy strand ! Tyler Kennedy strand is my husband ! ." Carlos yelled as Tk covered his mouth " shut up your gonna wake up the kids ." Tk laughed as he covered Carlos's mouth "I'll go out naked and say it from the top of my lungs ." " god no ." Tk said

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