Torn apart ch.14

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The girls were getting ready for school as me and Tk cleaned up from breakfast before we took them to school when someone knocked on the door

"I'll get it ." I said

"K." Tk smiled at me

"Hello?" I said as a woman stood at our door

"Are you one of the foster parents of Ellie and Madeline ?" She said

"Foster parents ?" I questioned

"Babe who is it ?" Tk said

"And you must be the other foster parent ." She said

"What? We adopted them I have the paperwork if you need that " Tk said looking at me

"Where are the girls ?" She said stepping inside

"Upstairs could we be told what's going on ?" Tk said

" the girls are going to stay with their mother ." She said peeking up the staircase

" their mother was incarcerated she was expected to be in their for life ." I said

"She got out early parol she seem fit to be their parent again ." She said as the girls ran down the steps

"We're read-." Ellie said

"Hi girls you guys are gonna come with me to go stay with your mom ." She said

"No we wanna stay here ." The said

" I give you four two minutes to say your goodbyes ." She said going by the door

"What's going on ?" Ellie cried

" we don't know el ." Tk said kissing her head

" I don't wanna go i wanna stay here with you guys ." Mandy said

" look guys alright we're gonna get you guys back okay we promise this is just temporary alright ?" I said holding both of their hands

"Two minutes is up ." The social worker said

"No.." they cried

"It's okay alright we love you guys ." We said kissing their heads as they hugged us

"Cmon girls" the lady said walking out

"Wait can we at least have the address ?" Tk said wiping a tear from his eye

"You guys aren't their guardians I can't give that out ." She said closing our door

Tk turned around burying his head in my chest

"We will get them back t .. I promise." I said as he sniffled

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