Doubt ch.17

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I came in me and Carlos's room seeing him laying on the bed facing the wall

"Carlos ?" I said coming into the room

"You awake...? I said sitting on the bed

"Yeah what's up?" He said turning around

" I just wanted to make sure that your okay .." I said rubbing his arm

"I'm fine why ?" He said

"Ever since what happened the other day your haven't really said anything .. you've been keeping to yourself." I said

"And you've been checking up on me making sure I'm okay I just wanted to make sure that you are to .."

"I just wanna know what I did .." he said

"Why are they gone is it something I did ?"

" hey no you did nothing wrong this is nobody's fault .." I said

" I know I told you that we're gonna get them back but I'm not sure T .." he said

" yeah me either .." I said rubbing his back

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